ANTBOMB2 - Atomic Ant Bomb work horse.
  • NAME
  • Required Modules

  • ^     NAME

    ANTBOMB2 - Atomic Ant Bomb work horse.
    For those of us who think a shoe just isn't enough...

    ^     VERSION

    <!-- VERSION --> : 2004.Nov.06 6:26:22

    ^     SYNOPSIS

    A replacement of sorts.  It was originally created to complete specific
    tasks with shorter syntax than and other existing modules afforded.
    It has since included 'long names' to the calls as well for read-ability,
    and added MANY more functions that does not handle. It has also been
    chunked into sub modules to load faster than and previous versions of  There are many modules out there that perform many of the tasks
    that handles, but at this time, is a pure perl solution.
    This makes dropping the main and sub modules on a server possible with minimal
    fuss.  Note however, there are some functions that DO require other modules to
    be loaded (,, and  This module is a work in progress...

    ^     Required Modules

    There are three (possibly four) modules that will need to be installed to get
    full use out of ANTBOMB.  However, ANTBOMB is very powerful even if you do not
    need either of these functions.


      In order to tie directly into the DBI interface built into ANTBOMB, the
      DBI module from CPAN will need to be installed, as well as the DBD module
      for the desired database type.
      For instance, to use MySQL, you will need these two modules loaded (current
      as of 2004-Mar-15):


      In order to use the fetch feature of ANTBOMB, you will need to have the LWP
      module from CPAN installed.  It can be found at (current as of 2004-Mar-15):
      Additionally, of you plan to use SSL in your fetching, you will need to 
      install one of two modules.  They can be found at (current as of

    ^     USAGE

        use ANTBOMB2;
        my $A=ANTBOMB2->new();
        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw($A);
      NOTE: The second form will pick up on all warnings, even those that are
      done at script startup (but not runtime errors).


        Initialize all params from ENV hash (POST & GET) into $self->p(),
        initialize all params from ENV hash into $self->e(),
        initialize all attached files into $self->p('_UFILES_')
        see CGI Parameters for more,
        and puts the contents of any post data into $self->{BUFFER}
        my $A=ANTBOMB->new();

    ^     Example: object creation

    OUTPUT: N/A - Creates new object and stores it in $A


        Parameters: Web/CGI parameters and internal variables
        Sessions: Allow web pages to save sessions between visits to server
      NOTE: The reason for the '+' in the heading is that you can add more
      into this method than just the CGI passed variables, and you can and
      remove them at will.

    ^     CGI Parameters

        Manipulate parameters in Web/CGI applications, as well as create
        parameters that are persistent in the program
        $A->p(LIST) or $A->parameters(LIST)
          a: key -> name of parameter to return
            accepts: any value
          b: value -> value to set key(a) parameter to
            accepts: any value
        Reserved name space (for with forms with method multipart/form-data) -
        '_UFILES_'      - This is a referenced array of all uploaded files by
                          uploaded name and path of the file
        'xxx_TYPE_'     - Uploaded Files will usually have this parameter, and be
                          equal to the type of the file where xxx is the uploaded
                          name and path of the file
        'xxx_FILEPATH_' - Uploaded Files will always have this parameter, and be
                          equal to the file path where xxx is the uploaded name
                          and path of the file
        'xxx_FILENAME_' - Uploaded Files will always have this parameter, and be
                          equal to the file name where xxx is the uploaded name
                          and path of the file
        'xxx_FILE_'     - Uploaded Files will always have this parameter, and be
                          equal to the file where xxx is the uploaded name and
                          path of the file
    ^     Example: retrieve list of parameters
        my @params=$A->p();
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns an array of all parameters in use and store them in @params
    ^     Example: set parameter
    OUTPUT: N/A - Stores value 'bomb' in param key 'ant'
    ^     Example: retrieve and store single parameter
        my $bomb=$A->p('ant');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns parameter value of key 'ant' & stores it in $bomb
    ^     Example: retrieve and print single parameter
        print $A->p('ant');
    OUTPUT: bomb
    ^     Example: retrieve list of file parameters
        NOTE: File 'test_text.txt' has been uploaded via form element to this
              script and the file content is 'This is a test text.'
        print $A->START_HTTP();
        print $A->START_HTML();
        for(@{$A->p('_UFILES_')}) {
          print 'Name: ',$_,"<br>\n";
          print 'Path: ',$A->p($_.'_FILEPATH_'),"<br>\n";
          print 'Name: ',$A->p($_.'_FILENAME_'),"<br>\n";
          print 'Type: ',$A->p($_.'_TYPE_'),"<br>\n";
          print $A->FORM_TEXTAREA(
        print $A->END_HTML();
    OUTPUT: Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:25:41 (+06 UT) User-Agent: ANTBOMB V.2.001 Content-type: text/html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"> <head> <title>TEXT_T~1.CGI - No Title</title> </head> <body> From: C:\Apache\cgi-bin\test_text.txt<br> Path: C:\Apache\cgi-bin\<br> Name: test_text.txt<br> Type: text/plain<br> <textarea name="dumby" rows="10" cols="50">This is a test text.</textarea><br> <br> <br> </body> </html>

    ^     CGI Sessions

        Manipulate session states
        mode ----- type of action to perform
                   accepts: set_dir, set, clean_session, clear_dir, or clear_session
        dir ------ path to location of session files
                   accepts: any value
        file ----- name of session file
                   accepts: any value
        keep ----- list of names to keep (in regex format)
                   accepts: any value
        drop ----- list of names to drop (in regex format)
                   accepts: any value
        interval - time to delete old sessions from inactivity
                   accepts: 0-9,. -> number  (can be fractions ex:'1.5')
                            m     -> Minutes (number x 60)
                            h     -> Hours   (number x 3600)
                            d     -> Days    (number x 86400)
                            ''    -> deletes current session file
    ^     Example: set session directory
    OUTPUT: N/A - Sets session file directory to './sessions/'
    ^     Example: set session directory to cwd
        my $session_dir=$A->SESSION(mode=>'set_dir');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Sets $session_dir to current session directory
    ^     Example: retrieve current session directory
        print $A->SESSION(mode=>'set_dir');
    OUTPUT: ./sessions/
    ^     Example: restore session parameters (known session)
    OUTPUT: N/A - Restores parameters
    ^     Example: clean up session directory
    OUTPUT: N/A - Removes sessions older than 300 seconds
    ^     Example: clear current session
    OUTPUT: N/A - Removes current session
    ^     Example: restore session parameters from named file
        my @parameters=$A->SESSION(mode=>'set',file=>'ant.txt');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Sets all saved parameters in file ant.txt in the ANTBOMB2 object. NOTE: this will drop any parameters that have been passed from a form, but load all others into the object.
    ^     Example: save current session to named file raw
    OUTPUT: N/A - Saves all current parameters in file ant.txt.
    ^     Example: save current session to named file with dropped parameters
      OUTPUT 9:
        N/A - Saves all current parameters in file ant.txt, skipping all
              params that begin with disk or cache
    ^     Example: clean current session to named file with kept parameters
      OUTPUT 10:
        N/A - Removes all current parameters in the ANTBOMB2 object, that
              do not start with disk or cache

    ^     DBI

        Allows ANTBOMB to communicate directly with the DBI interface
        DBI AND the DBD of the flavor of database you will be calling must
        already be installed on the server you are going to call this on.
        mode ----- type of action to perform
                   accepts: handle, select, insert, delete, update, run, clean
        query ---- string
                   accepts: any value
        data ----- string
                   accepts: any value
        type ----- type of database (MySQL, Oracle, etc.)
                   accepts: any value
        name ----- name of database to connect to
                   accepts: any value
        host ----- host of database (defaults to 'localhost')
                   accepts: any value
        user ----- user name of database account
                   accepts: any value
        pass ----- pass word of database account
                   accepts: any value

    ^     Example: handle explicit

    OUTPUT: N/A - Create a database handle for use throughout the life of the script

    ^     Example: handle default

    OUTPUT: N/A - Create a database handle for use throughout the life of the script NOTE: localhost is assumed for host parameter

    ^     Example: insert

        my $id=$A->DBI
                  query=>q~INSERT INTO db (id,name) VALUES ('','ant')~
    OUTPUT: N/A - Inserts ant into database db and stores the new record ID in $id NOTE: It is assumed here that id is the primary key and that it will auto increment, thus we leave it blank to let it do its thing.

    ^     Example: select

        $A->DBI(mode=>'select',query=>q~SELECT * FROM user~);
    OUTPUT: N/A - Selects all records and columns of table user.

    ^     Example: WORKING select

        use strict;
        use ANTBOMB2;
        for(@{$A->DBI(mode=>'select',query=>q~SELECT * FROM user~)}) {
          print qq~@$_\n~;
    OUTPUT: localhost root Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % root Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y localhost N N N N N N N N N N N N N N % N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NOTE: This is a fresh install of mysql, so no passwords have been assigned yet.

    ^     Example: select stored

        my $max=$A->DBI
                    (mode=>'select',query=>'SELECT MAX(date) FROM user')->[0]->[0];
    OUTPUT: N/A - Sets $max equal to the greatest date found in date column

    ^     Example: update

              query=>q~UPDATE user SET pass='password' WHERE user='root'~
    OUTPUT: N/A - Sets the password to password where the username is root NOTE: Don't do this... use a hard password like cVf7ayheS0. Never put an easy to guess password (or dictionary searchable word).

    ^     Example: delete

              query=>q~DELETE FROM user WHERE name LIKE '%test%'~
      OUTPUT 8:
        N/A - Deletes all records in table user whose column name has 
              the word test in it.

    ^     Example: clean

        print $A->DBI(mode=>'clean',data=>q~Shawn's "Page of Links"~);
      OUTPUT 9:
        Shawn\'s \"Page of Links\"


        Useful error messages from ANTBOMB
        warnings ---------- report any warning messages
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        delayout ---------- delay printing of diganostic messages
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        useful_errors ----- display detailed usage of erroring method
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        queries ----------- display DBI interface information
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        debug ------------- display debug information
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        destroys ---------- display destroyed objects
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        logging ----------- log warnings to file ('antbomb.log' in exec directory)
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        template_comments - display template names in HTML comments
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
       NOTE: warnings will only go 50 'callers' back.

    ^     Example: WORKING warnings and delayout

        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw($A);
        use strict;
        my $b;
        print '$b: ',$b,$/;
        print '$b: ',$b,$/;
        undef $b;
        print '$b: ',$b,$/;
    OUTPUT: $b: $b: 1 $b: <!-- ANTBOMB WARNINGS --> <!-- Use of uninitialized value in print at temp.cgi line 15. from temp.cgi line 15. main::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- Use of uninitialized value in print at temp.cgi line 19. from temp.cgi line 19. main::ANTBOMB2::warning -->

    ^     Example: WORKING warnings

        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw($A);
        use strict;
        my $b;
        print '$b: ',$b,$/;
        print '$b: ',$b,$/;
        undef $b;
        print '$b: ',$b,$/;
    OUTPUT: $b: Use of uninitialized value in print at temp.cgi line 14. from temp.cgi line 14. main::ANTBOMB2::warning $b: 1 $b: Use of uninitialized value in print at temp.cgi line 18. from temp.cgi line 18. main::ANTBOMB2::warning

    ^     Example: WORKING queries and delayout

        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw($A);
        use strict;
        $A->DBI(mode=>'select',query=>q~SELECT * FROM user WHERE user='root'~);
              (mode=>'load',string=>q~SELECT * FROM user WHERE password=''~);
        for(@{$A->DBI(mode=>'select',query=>$A->QUERY_TEMP())}) {
          print join(',',@$_),$/;
        $A->QUERY_TEMP(mode=>'load',string=>'SELECT * FROM user',);
        for(@{$A->DBI(mode=>'select',query=>$A->QUERY_TEMP())}) {
          print join(',',@$_),$/;
    OUTPUT: localhost,root,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y %,root,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y %,antbomb,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y,Y localhost,antbomb,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y,Y localhost,antbomb2,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y,Y %,antbomb2,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y,Y localhost,antbomb3,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y,Y %,antbomb3,34873ac155770284,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,Y,Y <!-- DATABASE ACTIVITES --> <!-- ********* SELECT ********** 1 No template used SELECT * FROM user WHERE user='root' Returned Rows: 2 --> <!-- ********* SELECT ********** 2 String: SELECT * FROM user WHERE password='' SELECT * FROM user WHERE password='' Returned Rows: None --> <!-- ********* SELECT ********** 3 String: SELECT * FROM user SELECT * FROM user Returned Rows: 8 -->


        Manipulate environment hash parameters
        $A->e(LIST) or $A->environment_hash(LIST)
          a: key -> name of parameter to return (accepts wild card *)
            accepts: any value
          b: value -> value to set key(a) parameter to
            accepts: any value

    ^     Example: store list of paramaters

        my @parameters=$A->e();
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns an array of all parameters in use

    ^     Example: store single parameter

        my $path=$A->e('PATH');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns parameter value of key 'PATH' & stores it in $path

    ^     Example: print single parameter

        print $A->e('PATH');
    OUTPUT: C:\Perl\bin\;

    ^     Example: store list of parameters with wildcard

        my @path=$A->e('PATH*');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns parameter value of keys that have'PATH' in them & stores them in @path

    ^     Example: print list of parameters with wildcard

        print $A->e('PATH*');
    OUTPUT: CLASSPATH - "C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\lib\ext\" HOMEPATH - \ OS2LIBPATH - C:\WINNT\system32\os2\dll; PATH - C:\Perl\bin\; PATHEXT - .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH


        Manipulate files, directories, and simple flat file databases

    ^     Directory

        Read files from directory (ignoring . and ..)
        mode ---- report any warning messages
                  accepts: NULL (''), create, delete
        dir ----- path to location of directory
                  accepts: any string
        perms --- display detailed usage of erroring method
                  accepts: octal number (Defaults to '0755')
    ^     Example: store referenced list of directory contents
        my $dir=$A->DIRECTORY(dir=>'./');
    OUTPUT: N/A - returns a referenced array of all objects in the current directory and stores them in $dir.
    ^     Example: print list of directory contents
        print join($/,sort @{$A->DIRECTORY(dir=>'./')});
    OUTPUT: ANTBOMB_FILE1 AntBomb1 AntBomb2 antbomb_log modules status.cgi status_qry status_ses status_tmp test.cgi
    ^     Example: create directory with explicit permissions
    OUTPUT: N/A - creates directory antbomb in the current working directory that the owner has full rights to, but every one else can only read from.
    ^     Example: delete directory recursively
        my $dir=$A->DIRECTORY(dir=>'./antbomb/',mode=>'delete');
    OUTPUT: N/A - deletes the directory antbomb in the current working directory. WARNING: This IS a RECURSIVE delete, be carful with this one!!!! WARNING: This IS a RECURSIVE delete, be carful with this one!!!! WARNING: This IS a RECURSIVE delete, be carful with this one!!!!

    ^     Find files recursively

        Read directories as referenced array, files as referenced hash of arrays
        (hashed with directories), and fails as array, recursively from directory. 
        Will match only files/directories when match is passed.  Also returns some
        dir ----- path to location of directory
                  accepts: any string
        match --- string to match file names (case sensative)
                  accepts: any string
        tick ---- outputs symbol (+ for matched, - for not) for
                  every file and directory it parses, followed by the count for
                  every 100, so you can see something is happening from the 
                  command line
                  accepts: NULL ('') or something (is on or off)
        NOTE: This can be fairly memory intensive, so use with caution if
              you are running on a shared server with memory limits when
              you are not using a match.
    ^     Example: store list of files with match and printing them
        my $files=$A->FIND(dir=>'.',match=>'A');
        for(sort keys %$files) {
          print '  ',$_,$/,'    ',join($/.'    ',sort @{$files->{$_}}),$/;
    OUTPUT: ./ ANTBOMB_FILE1 AntBomb1 AntBomb2 ./modules/ ./modules/empty_folder/ ---NO MATCH--- ./status_qry/ ---NO MATCH--- ./status_ses/ ---NO MATCH--- ./status_tmp/ ---NO MATCH---
    ^     Example: store list of files and printing them
        my $files=$A->FIND(dir=>'.');
        for(sort keys %$files) {
          print '  ',$_,$/,'    ',join($/.'    ',sort @{$files->{$_}}),$/;
    OUTPUT: ./ ANTBOMB_FILE1 AntBomb1 AntBomb2 antbomb_log status.cgi test.cgi ./modules/ ./modules/empty_folder/ ---EMPTY--- ./status_qry/ check_user1.qry ./status_ses/ 1074344840. ./status_tmp/ home1.tmp
    ^     Example: list counts
        my $C=q~C:/Documents and Settings/Shawn McKinley/My Documents/My Music/~;
        my $files=$A->FIND(dir=>$C,tick=>1,match=>'mp3$');
        print $/,'Total Items:       ',$files->{TOTAL};
        print $/,'Total Directories: ',$files->{'TOTAL_DIRECTORY'};
        print $/,'Total Files:       ',$files->{'TOTAL_FILE'};
        print $/,'Total Matches:     ',$files->{'TOTAL_MATCHED'};
        print $/,'Total Non-Matches: ',$files->{'TOTAL_NON_MATCHED'};
    OUTPUT: Total Items: 55881 Total Directories: 3545 Total Files: 52336 Total Matches: 6027 Total Non-Matches: 46309

    ^     File

        Append, read, and write files to disk
        file ---- path to location of file
                  accepts: any string
        mode ---- type of action to perform
                    a ---- append                    ab --- append binary
                    ha --- append handle             hab -- append handle binary
                    a+ --- open/create and update
                    r ---- read                      rb --- read binary
                    hr --- read handle               hrb -- read handle binary
                    ras -- read as string            rasb - read as string binary
                    r+ --- open and update
                    w ---- write                     wb --- write binary
                    hw --- write handle              hwb -- write handle binary
                    w+ --- create and truncate
                    cl --- count lines               fl --- first line
                    d ---- delete
        data ---- data to save
                  accepts: any string
        NOTE: This can be fairly memory intensive, so use with caution if
              you are running on a shared server with memory limits when
              loading in large files.
    ^     Example: append data to file
    OUTPUT: N/A - Appends the contents of $bomb to the end of file ant.txt.
    ^     Example: store file as referenced list
        my $ant=$A->FILE(file=>'ant.txt',mode=>'r');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Stores a referenced array of the file ant.txt in $ant NOTE: To use this, you could do something similar to this: my $count=0; my $file='ant.txt'; my $data=$A->FILE(file=>$file,mode=>'r'); for(@{$data}) { print "Line $count in $file is: $_\n"; $count++; }
    ^     Example: store file as string
        my $ant=$A->FILE(file=>'ant.txt',mode=>'ras');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Stores file ant.txt in $ant
    ^     Example: print file as string raw
        print $A->FILE(file=>$file,mode=>'ras');
    OUTPUT: print entire file $file
    ^     Example: print file as string removing all new lines
        my $data=$A->FILE(file=>$file,mode=>'ras');
        print $data;
    OUTPUT: print entire file $data with no new lines
    ^     Example: write data to file
    OUTPUT: N/A - Writes the contents of $bomb to file ant.txt, over writing any existing data in the file ant.txt
    ^     Example: write binary data to file
    OUTPUT: N/A - Writes the contents of $bomb to file ant.txt in binary format, over writing any existing data in the file ant.txt
    ^     Example: delete file
    OUTPUT: N/A - deletes file ant.txt (same as unlink)
    ^     Example: store first line of file
        my $first_line=$A->FILE(file=>'ant.txt',mode=>'fl');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Stores first line of file ant.txt in $first_line
    ^     Example: store count of lines in file
        my $count=$A->FILE(file=>'ant.txt',mode=>'cl');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Stores the number of lines of file ant.txt in $count

    ^     Flat File Database Hash

        Read in an ANTBOMB formatted flat file database
        ANTBOMB flat file database format:
          00: Unique_ID|Field_1|Field_2|Field_3|Field_4|...
          01: 001|Ant|Bomb|Foo|Bar|...
          02: 101|More|Data|In|Here|..
        The first line must contain your column names and each record
        must end with a new line character.  The delimiter ('|' or pipe
        in this case) is assignable (see below).
        file ------ path to location of file
                    accepts: any string
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: r (read), w (write)
        data ------ string to match file names (case sensative)
                    accepts: any string
        delimiter - the delimiter of the flat file db
                    accepts: any string (defaults to '|')
        NOTE: This can be fairly memory intensive, so use with caution if
              you are running on a shared server with memory limits when
              loading in large files.
    ^     Example: store referenced hash of db
        my $parts=$A->dbh(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'r');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns a hash reference to the parts.db file.
    ^     Example: print db and print stored referenced hash
        print $A->FILE(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'ras'),$/;
        my $parts=$A->dbh(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'r');
        for(sort keys %{$parts}) {
          for my $part (sort keys %{$parts->{$_}}) {
            print "Key: $_ Item: $part Value: $parts->{$_}{$part}\n";
    OUTPUT: ID|NAME|STORE|PART|QUANTITY|PRICE 1|Radiator|213|20B87|23|69.99 2|Steering Wheel|213|SW8978|2|39.95 Key: 1 Item: ID Value: 1 Key: 1 Item: NAME Value: Radiator Key: 1 Item: PART Value: 20B87 Key: 1 Item: PRICE Value: 69.99 Key: 1 Item: QUANTITY Value: 23 Key: 1 Item: STORE Value: 213 Key: 2 Item: ID Value: 2 Key: 2 Item: NAME Value: Steering Wheel Key: 2 Item: PART Value: SW8978 Key: 2 Item: PRICE Value: 39.95 Key: 2 Item: QUANTITY Value: 2 Key: 2 Item: STORE Value: 213
    ^     Example: print db, store it, change db, save it, print out new db
        print $A->FILE(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'ras'),$/;
        my $parts=$A->dbh(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'r');
        print $A->FILE(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'ras');
    OUTPUT: ID|NAME|STORE|PART|QUANTITY|PRICE 1|Radiator|213|20B87|23|69.99 2|Steering Wheel|213|SW8978|2|39.95 ^^^^^ ID|NAME|STORE|PART|QUANTITY|PRICE 1|Radiator|213|20B87|23|69.99 2|Steering Wheel|213|SW8978|2|49.95 ^^^^^

    ^     Match Database Hash

        Match Record in an ANTBOMB formatted flat file database.  This is
        here to save time and resources.  Instead of reading the entire
        file into memory and saving it to a hash, mdbh reads in the file
        a single line at a time and exits out as soon as it finds the
        record you are looking for.
        file ------ path to location of file
                    accepts: any string
        id -------- column number or heading to match
                    accepts: any string
                    NOTE: if this is a numeric value with nothing else,
                    it will be assumed to be the column number
        match ----- data to match against
                    accepts: any string
        delimiter - the delimiter of the flat file db
                    accepts: any string (defaults to '|')
    ^     Example: store referenced hash to single matched record
        my $part=$A->FLAT_DBHM(file=>'parts.db',id=>'1',match=>'Radiator');
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns a hash reference to the SINGLE record that matches
    ^     Example: print db, print stored single matched record
        print $A->FILE(file=>'parts.db',mode=>'ras'),$/,$/;
        my $part=$A->FLAT_DBHM(file=>'parts.db',id=>'1',match=>'Radiator');
        for(sort keys %$part) {
          print $_,': ',$part->{$_},$/;
    OUTPUT: ID|NAME|STORE|PART|QUANTITY|PRICE 1|Radiator|213|20B87|23|69.99 2|Steering Wheel|213|SW8978|2|49.95 ID: 1 NAME: Radiator PART: 20B87 PRICE: 69.99 QUANTITY: 23 STORE: 213

    ^     HTML

    ^     HTML list of allowed parameters for HTML elements

        name -------- document-wide identifier - Attribute names current anchor
                      so it may be destination of another link. Value must be
                      unique anchor name. Scope of name is current document.
                      Note: attribute shares name space with id attribute
                      accepts any string
        id ---------- document-wide identifier - Attribute ids current anchor so
                      it may be destination of another link. Value must be unique
                      anchor id. Scope of id is current document. Note: attribute
                      shares name space with name attribute
                      accepts any string
        class ------- document-wide identifier - Assigns class name or set of
                      class names to element. Any number of elements may be
                      assigned the same class name or names. Multiple class names
                      must be separated by white space characters
                      accepts any string
        lang -------- language information
                        - en (English)
                        - en-US (U.S. version of English)
                        - en-cockney (Cockney version of English)
                        - fr (French)
                        - de (German)
                        - it (Italian)
                        - nl (Dutch)
                        - el (Greek)
                        - es (Spanish)
                        - pt (Portuguese)
                        - ar (Arabic)
                        - he (Hebrew)
                        - ru (Russian)
                        - zh (Chinese)
                        - ja (Japanese)
                        - hi (Hindi)
                        - ur (Urdu)
                        - sa (Sanskrit)
                        - i-navajo (Navajo language of some Native Americans)
                        - x-klingon (Tag "x" indicates experimental language)
        dir --------- text direction
                      accepts: LTR and RTL 
        title ------- element title
        style ------- inline style information
        shape ------- image map - Specifies the shape of a region. Possible values: 
                        - default (entire region)
                        - rect (rectangular region)
                        - circle (circular region)
                        - poly (polygonal region)
        coords ------ image map - Specifies the position and shape on the screen.
                      The number and order of values depends on the shape being
                        - rect (left-x, top-y, right-x, bottom-y)
                        - circle (center-x, center-y, radius)
                            Note: When the radius value is a percentage value,
                            user agents should calculate the final radius value
                            based on the associated object's width and height.
                            The radius should be the smaller value of the two.
                        - poly (x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xN, yN)
                            Note: The first x and y coordinate pair and the last
                            should be the same to close the polygon. When these
                            coordinate values are not the same, user agents
                            should infer an additional coordinate pair to close
                            the polygon.
        onfocus ----- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when element receives
                      focus either by mouse button click or tabbing.  This
                      attribute applies to the following elements: A, AREA,
                      and LABEL.
        onblur ------ intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when element looses
                      focus either by mouse button click or tabbing
        onclick ----- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse button
                      clicked over element
        ondblclick -- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse button
                      double clicked over element
        onmousedown - intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse button
                      pressed over element
        onmouseup --- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse button
                      released over element
        onmouseover - intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse moved onto
        onmousemove - intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse moved over
        onmouseout -- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when mouse moved off
        onkeypress -- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when key pressed and
                      released over element
        onkeydown --- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when key pressed
                      over element
        onkeyup ----- intrinsic event (script) - Occurs when key released
                      over element
        target ------ target frame information - The name of a frame where a
                      document is to be opened.
        tabindex ---- tabbing navigation - The position of the current element in 
                      the tabbing order for the current document. This value must 
                      be a number between 0 and 32767. User agents should ignore 
                      leading zeros
        accesskey --- accesskeys - A single character from the document character
                      set. Note. Authors should consider the input method of the
                      expected reader when specifying an accesskey.

    ^     HTML Crumble

        Adds random comments of random size to each line of page
        that starts with white space followed by '<'.
        data ------ text to mutilate
                    accepts: any string
    ^     Example: add noise to HTML
        my $page="
        print $A->HTML_CRUMBLE(data=>$page);
    OUTPUT: <!--Y\S/!7,*f!([!VA7gfeP:IK*--> <html> <!--P6@V%%+--> <head> <!--k_#kD#2[kTM--> <title>ant</title> <!--H)6d-9MZQZY.S--> </head> <!--E"C;$N,BG--> <body> bomb <!--#'--> </body> <!--h_0JVAdTR!.#H,bL8jC];H1!--> </html>

    ^     HTML Crush

        Checks for any two consecutive white space characters and
        eliminates one of them (including space, tab, new lines, etc).
        Then eliminates any white space between '>' and '<' followed
        by standard html syntax.
        NOTE: Will not work with most in-line javascript.  Move them
              to a .js link before using crush on page.
        data ------ text to remove white space
                    accepts: any string
    ^     Example: remove white space from HTML
        my $page="
        print $A->HTML_CRUSH(data=>$page);
    OUTPUT: <html><head><title>ant</title></head><body>bomb</body></html>

    ^     HTML Encode

        Encodes page into javascript encoding.
          Viewing browser will need javascript enabled to view this page.
          Also, if no mode is included, the length of each unescape is
          random based on the size of the page and the time it is called
          (you may never get the same page twice);
        data ------ text to convert to javascript
                    accepts: any string
        mode ------ type of conversion (one large string or chunks)
                    accepts: any (is either on or off)
    ^     Example: encode HTML to javascript document.write statments random length
        my $page="
        print $A->HTML_ENCODE(data=>$page);
    OUTPUT: <script><!-- document.write(unescape("%0a%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape(" %20%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%3c%68%74%6d%6c"));doc ument.write(unescape("%3e%0a%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20 %20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%3c%68"));docume nt.write(unescape("%65%61%64%3e%0a%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20 %20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20"));document. write(unescape("%20%20%20%3c%74%69"));document.write(unescape("%74%6c%65 %3e%61%6e"));document.write(unescape("%74%3c%2f%74%69%74"));document.wri te(unescape("%6c%65%3e%0a%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20 %20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write( unescape("%3c%2f%68%65%61%64"));document.write(unescape("%3e%0a%20%20%20 %20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(une scape("%20%20%20%20%3c%62"));document.write(unescape("%6f%64%79%3e%0a%20 "));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unesca pe("%20%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%62%6f%6d")) ;document.write(unescape("%62%0a%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape( "%20%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%3c%2f"));do cument.write(unescape("%62%6f%64%79%3e%0a"));document.write(unescape("%2 0%20%20%20%20%20"));document.write(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20"));docum ent.write(unescape("%3c%2f%68%74%6d%6c"));document.write(unescape("%3e") );//--></script> NOTE: Newlines added for space considerations
    ^     Example: encode HTML to javascript document.write statments fixed length
        my $page="
        print $A->HTML_ENCODE(data=>$page,mode=>'raw');
    OUTPUT: <script><!--\ndocument.write(unescape("%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 %20%20%3c%68%74%6d%6c%3e%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3c %68%65%61%64%3e%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3c%74 %69%74%6c%65%3e%61%6e%74%3c%2f%74%69%74%6c%65%3e%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 %20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3c%2f%68%65%61%64%3e%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 %20%20%20%20%20%3c%62%6f%64%79%3e%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 %20%20%20%20%62%6f%6d%62%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3c %2f%62%6f%64%79%3e%0a%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3c%2f%68%74%6d %6c%3e"));\n//--></script> NOTE: Newlines added for space considerations

    ^     HTML Decode

        Decodes javascript encrypted page into html
        data ------ text to convert to javascript
                    accepts: any string
    ^     Example: decode javascript document.write()n HTML
        my $page="<script><!--
        print $A->HTML_DECODE(data=>$page);
    OUTPUT: <html> <head> <title>ant</title> </head> <body> bomb </body> </html> NOTE: Newlines added for space considerations

    ^     HTML Fetch

        Grab an html page from a specified URL
        Well need to have LWP::UserAgent installed and configured
        properly for proper operation
        url ------- absolute URL
                    accepts: any string
        method ---- method to retrive URL with
                    accepts: get, post, head (defaults to get) (case insensative)
        agent ----- name of agent to anounce to distant server
                    accepts: any string (defaults to 'ANTBOMB2 '.$VERSION)
        timeout --- number of seconds before fetch gives up
                    accepts: any number (defaults to 25)
    ^     Example: retrieve & print URL with return codes & sent & recieved header
        print 'Page',$/,('-'x25),$/;
        print 'Fetched HTML would go here...',$/,$/; # $html
        print 'Return Codes',$/,('-'x25),$/;
        for(sort keys %$codes) {
          if(!ref($codes->{$_})) {
            printf '%25s: %s'.$/,$_,$codes->{$_};
          } else {
            printf '%25s:'.$/,$_;
            for(@{$codes->{$_}}) {
              printf '%25s  %-25s'.$/,'',$_;
        print 'Headers',$/,('-'x25),$/;
        for(sort keys %$header) {
          if(!ref($header->{$_})) {
            printf '%25s: %s'.$/,$_,$header->{$_};
          } else {
            printf '%25s:'.$/,$_;
            for(@{$header->{$_}}) {
              printf '%25s  %-25s'.$/,'',$_;
    OUTPUT: Page ------------------------- Fetched HTML would go here... Return Codes ------------------------- code: 200 message: OK request: GET User-Agent: ANTBOMB2 2.001 size: 3.46 KB Headers ------------------------- client-date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:41:39 GMT client-peer: client-response-num: 1 client-transfer-encoding: chunked connection: close content-type: text/html text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:42:13 GMT server: Apache/1.3.27 OpenSSL/0.9.6 (Unix) title: Perl Help
    ^     Example: retrieve & print URL with return codes & sent header (error)
        print 'Page',$/,('-'x25),$/;
        print 'Fetched HTML would go here...',$/,$/; # $html
        print 'Return Codes',$/,('-'x25),$/;
        for(sort keys %$codes) {
          if(!ref($codes->{$_})) {
            printf '%25s: %s'.$/,$_,$codes->{$_};
          } else {
            printf '%25s:'.$/,$_;
            for(@{$codes->{$_}}) {
              printf '%25s  %-25s'.$/,'',$_;
        print 'Headers',$/,('-'x25),$/;
        for(sort keys %$header) {
          if(!ref($header->{$_})) {
            printf '%25s: %s'.$/,$_,$header->{$_};
          } else {
            printf '%25s:'.$/,$_;
            for(@{$header->{$_}}) {
              printf '%25s  %-25s'.$/,'',$_;
    OUTPUT: Page ------------------------- Fetched HTML would go here... Return Codes ------------------------- code: 500 message: Can't connect to (Bad hostname '') request: GET User-Agent: ANTBOMB2 2.001 size: 0 B Headers ------------------------- NOTE: Newline added for 'Return Codes' message for space considerations

    ^     HTML Size

        Size of HTML page
        data ------ html page
                    accepts: any string
        mode ------ output format
                    accepts: NULL (''), raw
    ^     Example: print HTML page size in bytes
        my $page="<html><head><title>ant</title></head><body>bomb</body></html>";
        print $A->HTML_SIZE(data=>$page);
    OUTPUT: 61 B
    ^     Example: print HTML page size in raw bytes
        my $page="<html><head><title>ant</title></head><body>bomb</body></html>";
        print $A->HTML_SIZE(data=>$page,mode=>'raw');
    OUTPUT: 61

    ^     HTML Footer

        End an html page
        script ------ inline script
                      accepts: string, ref array, or ref hash
        script_link - linked script
                      accepts: string, ref array, or ref hash
      NOTE: See HTML Header for more info
    ^     Example: print HTML footer
        print $A->END_HTML();
    OUTPUT: </body> </html>
    ^     Example: print HTML footer with ending script(s)
        print $A->END_HTML( script_link => '/source.js' );
    OUTPUT: <script src="/source.js" language="JavaScript"></script> </body> </html>

    ^     HTML Anchor

        End an html page
        href -------- link destination
                      accepts any string
        anchor ------ contents to be anchored
                      accepts any string
        name -------- name of anchor
                      accepts any string
        id ---------- id of anchor
                      accepts any string
        class ------- class of anchor
                      accepts any string
        lang -------- language information
                      accepts: see HTML list of allowed parameters
        dir --------- text direction
                      accepts: LTR and RTL 
        title ------- element title
                      accepts any string
        style ------- inline style information
                      accepts any string
        shape ------- image map shape
                      accepts: see HTML list of allowed parameters
        coords ------ image map coordinates
                      accepts: see HTML list of allowed parameters
        onfocus ----- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onblur ------ intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onclick ----- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        ondblclick -- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onmousedown - intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onmouseup --- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onmouseover - intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onmousemove - intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onmouseout -- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onkeypress -- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onkeydown --- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        onkeyup ----- intrinsic event (script)
                      accepts any string
        target ------ target frame
                      accepts any string
        tabindex ---- tabbing navigation
                      accepts 0 through 32767
        accesskey --- accesskeys
                      accepts any string
    ^     Example: print HTML Anchor
        print $A->END_HTML();
    OUTPUT: </body> </html>

    ^     HTML Header

        Start an html page
        http-equiv -- http-equiv attribute hash
                      accepts: any key, value pairs
        meta -------- meta tag attribute hash
                      accepts: any key, value pairs
        title ------- title of page
                      accepts: any string (defaults to name of script)
        script ------ inline script
                      accepts: string, ref array, or ref hash
        script_link - linked script
                      accepts: string, ref array, or ref hash
        style ------- inline style sheet
                      accepts: string, ref array, or ref hash
        style_link -- linked style sheet
                      accepts: string, ref array, or ref hash
        frameset ---- frame set
                      accepts: any string
        body -------- body attribute hash
              BACK GROUND background    => URL,     bgproperties  => properties,
                   COLORS bgcolor       => HHHHHH,  text          => HHHHHH,
                          link          => HHHHHH,  vlink         => HHHHHH,
                          alink         => HHHHHH,
             PAGE ATTRIBS font          => font properties,
                          hover         => hover properties,
       JAVASCRIPT ATTRIBS onload        => func,    onunload      => fun,
                          onfocus       => func,    onblur        => fun
    ^     Example: print basic HTML header
        print $A->START_HTML();
    OUTPUT: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"> <head> <title>test.cgi - No Title</title> </head> <body>
    ^     Example: print advanced HTML header without script
        print $A->START_HTML
                  title           => 'test',
                  'http-equiv'    =>
                      Pragma      => 'no-cache'
                  meta            =>
                      keywords    => 'antbomb2, perl, html, etc',
                      description => 'Web API for Perl programmers.'
                  body            =>
                      bgcolor     => 'FFFFFF',
                      text        => '000000',
                      link        => '008000',
                      alink       => '008800',
                      vlink       => '008800'
    OUTPUT: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta name="keywords" content="antbomb2, perl, html, etc"> <meta name="description" content="Web API for Perl programmers."> <title>test</title> </head> <body link="#008000" vlink="#008800" alink="#008800" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> NOTE: Newline added for '<body' line for space considerations NOTE: The http-equiv hash key MUST be quoted.
    ^     Example: print advanced HTML header with single script
        print $A->START_HTML
                  title           => 'test',
                  'http-equiv'    =>
                      Pragma      => 'no-cache'
                  meta            =>
                      keywords    => 'antbomb2, perl, html, etc',
                      description => 'Web API for Perl programmers.'
                  script_link     => '/sources/js.js',
                  body            =>
                      bgcolor     => 'FFFFFF',
                      text        => '000000',
                      link        => '008000',
                      alink       => '008800',
                      vlink       => '008800'
    OUTPUT: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta name="keywords" content="antbomb2, perl, html, etc"> <meta name="description" content="Web API for Perl programmers."> <script src="/sources/js.js" language="JavaScript"></script> <title>test</title> </head> <body link="#008000" vlink="#008800" alink="#008800" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> NOTE: Newline added for '<body' line for space considerations NOTE: The http-equiv hash key MUST be quoted.
    ^     Example: print advanced HTML header with multiple scripts
        print $A->START_HTML
                  title           => 'test',
                  'http-equiv'    =>
                      Pragma      => 'no-cache'
                  meta            =>
                      keywords    => 'antbomb2, perl, html, etc',
                      description => 'Web API for Perl programmers.'
                  script_link     => ['/sources/js1.js','/sources/js2.js'],
                  body            =>
                      bgcolor     => 'FFFFFF',
                      text        => '000000',
                      link        => '008000',
                      alink       => '008800',
                      vlink       => '008800'
    OUTPUT: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta name="keywords" content="antbomb2, perl, html, etc"> <meta name="description" content="Web API for Perl programmers."> <script src="/sources/js1.js" language="JavaScript"></script> <script src="/sources/js2.js" language="JavaScript"></script> <title>test</title> </head> <body link="#008000" vlink="#008800" alink="#008800" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> NOTE: Newline added for '<body' line for space considerations NOTE: The http-equiv hash key MUST be quoted.
    ^     Example: print advanced HTML header with multiple languages and scripts
        print $A->START_HTML
                  title           => 'test',
                  'http-equiv'    =>
                      Pragma      => 'no-cache'
                  meta            =>
                      keywords    => 'antbomb2, perl, html, etc',
                      description => 'Web API for Perl programmers.'
                  script_link     => 
                      JavaScript  => ['/sources/js1.js','/sources/js2.js'],
                      'JavaScript1.2' => '/sources/js1.2.js'
                  body            =>
                      bgcolor     => 'FFFFFF',
                      text        => '000000',
                      link        => '008000',
                      alink       => '008800',
                      vlink       => '008800'
    OUTPUT: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta name="keywords" content="antbomb2, perl, html, etc"> <meta name="description" content="Web API for Perl programmers."> <script src="/sources/js1.2.js" language="JavaScript1.2"></script> <script src="/sources/js1.js" language="JavaScript"></script> <script src="/sources/js2.js" language="JavaScript"></script> <title>test</title> </head> <body link="#008000" vlink="#008800" alink="#008800" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> NOTE: Newline added for '<body' line for space considerations NOTE: The http-equiv hash key MUST be quoted.

    ^     HTML pre

        Adds pre-formatted tag for an html page, and converts all '<' and '>'
        to &gt; and &lt; unless plain is called
        data ------ text
                    accepts: any string
        mode ------ output format (plain will not convert '<' and '>')
                    accepts: NULL (''), plain
    ^     Example: print HTML data with pre tags
        print $A-PRE(data=>'<antbomb>');
    OUTPUT: <pre>&lt;antbomb&gt;</pre>
    ^     Example: print HTML data with pre tags w/o converting the < and >
        print $A->PRE(data=>'<antbomb>',mode=>'plain');
    OUTPUT: <pre><antbomb></pre>


    ^     JavaScript Tool Tips (by Walter Zorn)

        A cross-browser Tooltip JavaScript to create tooltips. These crossbrowser
        JavaScript Tooltips and their behavior can be customized in multiple
        ways, and may contain plain text as well as HTML, such as images or
        line breaks etc.
        This Tooltip JavaScript even works in Opera 5 and 6. Each of the html
        tags to create a tooltip requires an onmouseover-attribute only,
        onmouseouts are unnecessary. To customize these JavaScript tooltips
        individually, there are several commands available that may be inserted
        into the onmouseovers.
        Have a look at the demonstration and documentation at
        Supported browsers (according to Wanter Zorn's site)
        Linux:   Konqueror 3,
                 Browsers with Gecko-Engine (Mozilla, Netscape 6, Galeon),
                 Netscape 4 and 6,
                 Opera 5 and 6.
        Windows: Netscape 4, 6 and 7,
                 Browsers with Gecko-Engine (Mozilla, Netscape 6, Galeon),
                 IE 4, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0,
                 Opera 5,6,7.
        background_color -- Background color of tooltips
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #E6ECFF
        background_image -- Background image of tooltips
                            accepts: any string
                            default: NULL
        border_color ------ Border color of tooltips
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #003399
        font_color -------- Font color of tooltips
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #000066
        font_face --------- Font face / family of tooltips
                            accepts: any string
                            default: arial, helvetica, sans-serif
        font_size --------- Font size + unit of tooltips (eg: 11px)
                            accepts: any string
                            default: 11px
        font_weight ------- Font weight of tooltips ('normal' or 'bold')
                            accepts: any string
                            default: normal
        shadow_color ------ Tooltip shadow color
                            accepts: any string
                            default: NULL
        title_color ------- Color of tooltip title text
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #FFFFFF
        border_width ------ Width of tooltip border (pixels)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 1
        mouseover_delay --- Tooltip shows up after specified timeout (milliseconds)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 500
        horizontal_offset - Horizontal offset from mouse-pointer of tooltips
                            accepts: positive or negative integer or zero
                            default: 8
        vertical_offset --- Vertical offset from mouse-pointer of tooltips
                            accepts: positive or negative integer or zero
                            default: 19
        tooltip_padding --- Inner spacing of tooltips (between border & content)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 3
        shadow_width ------ Tooltip shadow width
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 0
        disappear_delay --- Time span before tooltip disappears (milliseconds)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 0
        tooltip_width ----- Width of tooltip (pixels)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 300
          This script must be AT THE END of your tool tips in your HTML code,
          so you must either insert this in the bottom of the page yourself or
          use this in the END_HTML tag like so:
            print $A->START_HTML(
                    script_link => '/sources/antbomb.js',
                    title => 'ANTBOMB JavaScript ToolTips Example'
                    script =>
                        background_color  => '800000',
                        border_color      => '800000',
                        font_color        => 'FFFFFF',
                        mouseover_delay   => 1,
                        horizontal_offset => 16,
                        vertical_offset   => -12,
                        shadow_width      => 3,
                        tooltip_width     => 200,
                        tooltip_padding   => 2
    ^     Example: print JavaScript Tool Tips
        print $A->JS_TOOLTIPS(
                background_color  => '800000',
                border_color      => '800000',
                font_color        => 'FFFFFF',
                mouseover_delay   => 1,
                horizontal_offset => 16,
                vertical_offset   => -12,
                shadow_width      => 3,
                tooltip_width     => 100,
                tooltip_padding   => 2
    OUTPUT: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> ... var ttBgColor = "#800000"; var ttBgImg = ""; var ttBorderColor = "#800000"; var ttBorderWidth = var ttDelay = 1; var ttFontColor = "#FFFFFF"; var ttFontFace = "arial,helvetica,sans-serif"; var ttFontSize = "11px"; var ttFontWeight = "normal"; var ttOffsetX = 16; var ttOffsetY = -12; var ttPadding = 2; var ttShadowColor = ""; var ttShadowWidth = 3; var ttTemp = 0; var ttTitleColor = "#ffffff"; var ttWidth = 100; ... </script> NOTE: Only the dynamic portion is shown here. See the file HTML_TOOLTIPS.txt for a full listing of the JavaScript source

    ^     Individual JavaScript Tool Tip Creation

        Create individual Tool Tips ( must use with JS_TOOLTIPS ) to be inserted
        into some anchor tag in an HTML page.
        background_color -- Background color of tooltips
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #E6ECFF
        background_image -- Background image of tooltips
                            accepts: any string
                            default: NULL
        border_color ------ Border color of tooltips
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #003399
        font_color -------- Font color of tooltips
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #000066
        font_face --------- Font face / family of tooltips
                            accepts: any string
                            default: arial, helvetica, sans-serif
        font_size --------- Font size + unit of tooltips (eg: 11px)
                            accepts: any string
                            default: 11px
        font_weight ------- Font weight of tooltips ('normal' or 'bold')
                            accepts: any string
                            default: normal
        shadow_color ------ Tooltip shadow color
                            accepts: any string
                            default: NULL
        title_color ------- Color of tooltip title text
                            accepts: six characters of this set a-f, A-F, and 0-9
                            default: #FFFFFF
        border_width ------ Width of tooltip border (pixels)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 1
        mouseover_delay --- Tooltip shows up after specified timeout (milliseconds)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 500
        horizontal_offset - Horizontal offset from mouse-pointer of tooltips
                            accepts: positive or negative integer or zero
                            default: 8
        vertical_offset --- Vertical offset from mouse-pointer of tooltips
                            accepts: positive or negative integer or zero
                            default: 19
        tooltip_padding --- Inner spacing of tooltips (between border & content)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 3
        shadow_width ------ Tooltip shadow width
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 0
        disappear_delay --- Time span before tooltip disappears (milliseconds)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 0
        tooltip_width ----- Width of tooltip (pixels)
                            accepts: positive integer or zero
                            default: 300
        tip_above --------- Places the tooltip above the mouse-pointer
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
                            default: NULL
        fixed_position ---- Set tooltip to coordinates in referenced arrays
                            accepts: '[' +
                                     positive or negative integer or zero +
                                     ',' +
                                     positive or negative integer or zero +
                            default: NULL
        position_left ----- Places the tooltip to the left of mouse-pointer
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
                            default: NULL
        static_tooltip ---- Tooltip doesn't follow movements of mouse-pointer
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
                            default: NULL
        sticky_tooltip ---- Tooltip stays fixed on it's initial position
                            accepts: any value (is either on or off)
                            default: NULL
        tooltip_title ----- Tooltip Title
                            accepts: any value
                            default: NULL
        tip --------------- Tooltip to be displayed
                            accepts: any value
                            default: NULL
    ^     Example: print Individual JavaScript Tool Tip
        print $A->JS_TOOLTIP_TIP(
                tip            => 'ANTBOMB Test',
                fixed_position => [100,100]
    OUTPUT: this.T_FIX = [100,100]; return escape('ANTBOMB Test');
    ^     Example: print Individual JavaScript Tool Tip in an anchor tag
        print $A->HTML_ANCHOR(
                href        => 'javascript:void(0);',
                onmouseover => 
                    tip            => 'ANTBOMB Test',
                    fixed_position => [100,100]
                onclick     => 'show_hide(text1,1);',
                anchor      => 
                    src    => '/sources/ANTBOMB_Test.gif',
                    border => 0
    OUTPUT: <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="show_hide(text1,1);" onmouseover="this.T_FIX = [100,100]; return escape('ANTBOMB Test');" ><img src="/sources/ANTBOMB_Test.gif" border="0"></a> NOTE: New lines added for readability

    ^     HTML FORMS

    ^     Full list of allowed parameters for FORM elements

    ^     W3C element legend
    Name            Type (value)      Description 
    accept          %ContentTypes; -- Specifies a comma-separated list of content
                                      types that a server processing this form will
                                      handle correctly. User agents may use this
                                      information to filter out non-conforming files
                                      when prompting a user to select files to be
                                      sent to the server for "file". 
    accept-charset  %Charsets;     -- list of supported charsets
    accesskey       %Character;    -- Assigns an access key to an element. An access
                                      key is a single character from the document
                                      character set.
    alt             CDATA          -- Specifies alternate text. The language of the
                                      alternate text is specified by the lang
    checked         (checked)      -- Specifies that the button is on for "radio"
                                      or "checkbox".
    class           CDATA          -- Assigns a class name or set of class names to
                                      an element. Any number of elements may be
                                      assigned the same class name or names.
                                      Multiple class names must be separated by
                                      white space characters.
    dir             (ltr|rtl)      -- Specifies the base direction of directionally
                                      neutral text (i.e., text that doesn't have
                                      inherent directionality as defined in
                                      [UNICODE]) in an element's content and
                                      attribute values. It also specifies the
                                      directionality of tables. Possible values: 
                                        LTR: Left-to-right text or table. 
                                        RTL: Right-to-left text or table.
    disabled        (disabled)     -- When set for a form control, this boolean
                                      attribute disables the control for user input.
                                      Used with "BUTTON", "OPTGROUP", "OPTION",
                                      "INPUT", and "SELECT".
    id              ID             -- Assigns a name to an element. This name must
                                      be unique in a document.
    ismap           (ismap)        -- use server-side image map
    lang            %LanguageCode; -- Specifies the base language of an element's
                                      attribute values and text content. The default
                                      value of this attribute is unknown.
    maxlength       NUMBER         -- Specifies the maximum number of characters the
                                      user may enter. The default value for this
                                      attribute is an unlimited number.
    name            CDATA          -- Assigns the control name
    onblur          %Script;       -- the element lost the focus
    onchange        %Script;       -- the element value was changed
    onclick         %Script;       -- a pointer button was clicked
    ondblclick      %Script;       -- a pointer button was double clicked
    onfocus         %Script;       -- the element got the focus
    onkeydown       %Script;       -- a key was pressed down
    onkeypress      %Script;       -- a key was pressed and released
    onkeyup         %Script;       -- a key was released
    onmousedown     %Script;       -- a pointer button was pressed down
    onmousemove     %Script;       -- a pointer was moved within
    onmouseout      %Script;       -- a pointer was moved away
    onmouseover     %Script;       -- a pointer was moved onto
    onmouseup       %Script;       -- a pointer button was released
    onselect        %Script;       -- some text was selected
    readonly        (readonly)     -- When set for a form control, this boolean
                                      attribute prohibits changes to the control.
                                      Used with "INPUT" and "TEXTAREA".
    size            CDATA          -- Specifies the initial width of the control.
                                      The width is given in pixels except for
                                      "text" or "password". In that case, its value
                                      refers to the number of characters.
    src             %URI;          -- Specifies the location of the image to be used
                                      to decorate the graphical submit button for
    style           %StyleSheet;   -- Specifies style information for the current
    tabindex        NUMBER         -- Specifies the position of the current element
                                      in the tabbing order for the current document.
                                      This value must be a number between 0 and
    title           %Text;         -- Offers advisory information about the element
                                      for which it is set.
    usemap          %URI;          -- Associates an image map with an element. The
                                      image map is defined by a MAP element. The
                                      value of usemap must match the value of the
                                      name attribute of the associated MAP element.
    value           CDATA          -- Specifies the initial value of the control.
                                      It is optional except when the type attribute
                                      has the value "radio" or "checkbox".

    ^     Element usage
    Name                Usage / Example
    accept          =>  'gif,jpg,jpeg,png'
    accept-charset  =>  'US-ASCII, ISO646-US'
    accesskey       =>  1..n
    alt             =>  'Some alternate text tag'
    checked         =>  1 (on or off)
    class           =>  'Forms1 TickleDatabase'
    dir             =>  'rtl'
    disabled        =>  1 (on or off)
    id              =>  1..n
    ismap           =>  1 (on or off)
    lang            =>  'en-US'
    maxlength       =>  1..n
    name            =>  'Any string'
    onblur          =>  'Script Function Name'
    onchange        =>  'Script Function Name'
    onclick         =>  'Script Function Name'
    ondblclick      =>  'Script Function Name'
    onfocus         =>  'Script Function Name'
    onkeydown       =>  'Script Function Name'
    onkeypress      =>  'Script Function Name'
    onkeyup         =>  'Script Function Name'
    onmousedown     =>  'Script Function Name'
    onmousemove     =>  'Script Function Name'
    onmouseout      =>  'Script Function Name'
    onmouseover     =>  'Script Function Name'
    onmouseup       =>  'Script Function Name'
    onselect        =>  'Script Function Name'
    readonly        =>  1 (on or off)
    size            =>  1..n
    src             =>  ''
    style           =>  'Style sheet element'
    tabindex        =>  1..n
    title           =>  'Any string'
    usemap          =>  'Existing map elsewhere in the document'
    value           =>  'Any string'

    ^     Method allowed element list

    ^     START --- allowed hash elements
      accept                accept-charset        action
      class                 dir                   enctype
      id                    lang                  method
      name                  onreset               onsubmit
      style                 title  

    ^     END --- allowed hash elements

    ^     RESET --- allowed hash elements

    ^     TEXT --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   class
      dir                   id                    lang
      maxlength             name                  onblur
      onchange              onclick               ondblclick
      onfocus               onselect              onkeydown
      onkeypress            onkeyup               onmousedown
      onmousemove           onmouseout            onmouseover
      onmouseup             readonly              size
      style                 tabindex              title

    ^     PASSWORD --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   class
      dir                   id                    lang
      maxlength             name                  onblur
      onchange              onclick               ondblclick
      onfocus               onselect              onkeydown
      onkeypress            onkeyup               onmousedown
      onmousemove           onmouseout            onmouseover
      onmouseup             readonly              size
      style                 tabindex              title

    ^     SUBMIT --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   class
      dir                   id                    lang
      name                  onblur                onchange
      onclick               ondblclick            onfocus
      onkeydown             onkeypress            onkeyup
      onmousedown           onmousemove           onmouseout
      onmouseover           onmouseup             onselect              
      style                 tabindex              title

    ^     HIDDEN --- allowed hash elements
      class                 id                    name
      style                 title                 value

    ^     IMAGE --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   class
      dir                   id                    lang
      name                  onblur                onchange
      onclick               ondblclick            onfocus
      onkeydown             onkeypress            onkeyup
      onmousedown           onmousemove           onmouseout
      onmouseover           onmouseup             onselect              
      src                   style                 tabindex
      title                 usemap                value  

    ^     BUTTON --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   class
      dir                   id                    lang
      name                  onblur                onchange
      onclick               ondblclick            onfocus
      onkeydown             onkeypress            onkeyup
      onmousedown           onmousemove           onmouseout
      onmouseover           onmouseup             onselect              
      style                 tabindex              title

    ^     FILE --- allowed hash elements
      accept                accesskey             alt
      class                 dir                   id
      lang                  name                  onblur
      onchange              onclick               ondblclick
      onfocus               onkeydown             onkeypress
      onkeyup               onmousedown           onmousemove
      onmouseout            onmouseover           onmouseup
      onselect              style                 tabindex
      title                 value  

    ^     TEXTAREA --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             class                 cols
      dir                   disabled              id
      lang                  name                  onblur
      onchange              onfocus               onselect
      readonly              rows                  style
      tabindex              title                 value  

    ^     CHECKBOX --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   checked
      class                 dir                   id
      label                 lang                  name
      onblur                onchange              onclick
      ondblclick            onfocus               onselect
      onkeydown             onkeypress            onkeyup
      onmousedown           onmousemove           onmouseout
      onmouseover           onmouseup             readonly
      style                 tabindex              title

    ^     RADIO --- allowed hash elements
      accesskey             alt                   checked
      class                 dir                   id
      label                 lang                  name
      onblur                onchange              onclick
      ondblclick            onfocus               onselect
      onkeydown             onkeypress            onkeyup
      onmousedown           onmousemove           onmouseout
      onmouseover           onmouseup             readonly
      style                 tabindex              title

    ^     SELECT --- allowed hash elements
      class                 dir                   id
      lang                  multiple              name
      onblur                onchange              onfocus
      size                  style                 tabindex

    ^     Start Form

        Create a form element for an html page
        action ---- name of script to act upon
                    accepts: any string
        name ------ name of form
                    accepts: any string
        method ---- how the form will be processed
                    accepts: get, post (defaults to post)
        enctype --- encoding type
                      application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default)
                      text/plain (depreciated at best)
    ^     Example: start form basic
        print $A->START_FORM(action=>'');
    OUTPUT: <form action='' method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> NOTE: Newline added for space considerations
    ^     Example: start form advanced
        print $A->START_FORM
    OUTPUT: <form action='' name="ant" method="get" enctype="multipart/form-data"> NOTE: Newline added for space considerations

    ^     End Form

        Close the form tag of a form element for an html page
    ^     Example: end form
        print $A->END_FORM();
    OUTPUT: </form>

    ^     Check Box

        Create a form check box for an html page
        name ------ name of check box form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- The value for the check box(s)
                    accepts: any string, referenced array or referenced hash
                             (defaults to 1)
        label ----- The label for the check box
                    accepts: any value
        checked --- Denotes wether the box is checked
                    accepts: string or referenced array
        sort ------ determines if array values will be sorted (overides order)
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        order ----- determines sort order of values
                    accepts: referenced array
          order array must correspond with the keys in the
          referenced hash.  This is used to get a list in
          the order you want when passing a hash as the
          list value.
    ^     Example: checkbox using ref hash for value with checked
        print $A->FORM_CHECKBOX
                      spacing=>' '
    OUTPUT: <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="1" checked>ANT <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="2" checked>BOMB <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="3">TEST NOTE: Newlines added for space considerations. NOTE: Because spacing was used, spaces will be used between each element
    ^     Example: checkbox with ref hash for value setting p() for checked
        $A->p('Test',1); # Test is now set to 1
        print $A->FORM_CHECKBOX
                      spacing=>' '
    OUTPUT: <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="1" checked>ANT <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="2">BOMB <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="3">TEST NOTE: New lines added for readability NOTE: Because spacing was used, spaces will be used between each element
    ^     Example: checkbox with ref array for value setting p() for checked
        $A->p('Test',['ANT','TEST']); # Test is now set to referenced array 
        print $A->FORM_CHECKBOX            # of 'ANT' and 'TEST'
    OUTPUT: <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="ANT" checked>ANT <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="BOMB">BOMB <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="TEST" checked>TEST NOTE: New lines added for readability NOTE: Because spacing was NOT used, spaces will NOT be used between each element
    ^     Example: checkbox using ref hash for value ref array for order with checked
        print $A->FORM_CHECKBOX
    OUTPUT: <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="2">BOMB <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="3" checked>TEST <input type="checkbox" name="Test" value="1" checked>ANT NOTE: New lines added for readability NOTE: Because spacing was NOT used, spaces will NOT be used between each element

    ^     Radio Button

        Create a form radio button for an html page
        name ------ name of radio button form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- The value for the check box(s)
                    accepts: any string, referenced array or referenced hash
                             (defaults to 1)
        label ----- The label for the check box
                    accepts: any value
        checked --- Denotes wether the box is checked
                    accepts: string or referenced array
        sort ------ determines if array values will be sorted (overides order)
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        order ----- determines sort order of values
                    accepts: referenced array
          order array must correspond with the keys in the
          referenced hash.  This is used to get a list in
          the order you want when passing a hash as the
          list value.
    ^     Example: radio using ref hash for value with checked
        print $A->FORM_RADIO
                      spacing=>' '
    OUTPUT: <input type="radio" name="Test" value="1" checked>ANT <input type="radio" name="Test" value="2" checked>BOMB <input type="radio" name="Test" value="3">TEST NOTE: Newlines added for space considerations. NOTE: Because spacing was used, spaces will be used between each element
    ^     Example: radio using ref hash for value setting p() for checked
        $A->p('Test',1); # Test is now set to 1
        print $A->FORM_RADIO
                      spacing=>' '
    OUTPUT: <input type="radio" name="Test" value="1" checked>ANT <input type="radio" name="Test" value="2">BOMB <input type="radio" name="Test" value="3">TEST NOTE: New lines added for readability NOTE: Because spacing was used, spaces will be used between each element
    ^     Example: radio using ref array for value and setting p() for checked
        $A->p('Test',['ANT','TEST']); # Test is now set to referenced array 
        print $A->FORM_RADIO               # of 'ANT' and 'TEST'
    OUTPUT: <input type="radio" name="Test" value="ANT" checked>ANT <input type="radio" name="Test" value="BOMB">BOMB <input type="radio" name="Test" value="TEST" checked>TEST NOTE: New lines added for readability NOTE: Because spacing was NOT used, spaces will NOT be used between each element
    ^     Example: radio using ref hash for value ref array for order with checked
        print $A->FORM_RADIO
    OUTPUT: <input type="radio" name="Test" value="2">BOMB <input type="radio" name="Test" value="3" checked>TEST <input type="radio" name="Test" value="1" checked>ANT NOTE: New lines added for readability NOTE: Because spacing was NOT used, spaces will NOT be used between each element

    ^     Input Select

        Create a form selection for an html page
        name ------ name of select form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        size ------ size of display of select form element
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
        multiple -- make the select multiple selectable
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        options --- referenced array or hash
                    accepts: any referenced array or hash (ie. \@array or \%hash)
        sort ------ determines if array values will be sorted (overides order)
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        order ----- determines sort order of values
                    accepts: referenced array
          order array must correspond with the keys in the
          referenced hash.  This is used to get a list in
          the order you want when passing a hash as the
          list value.
    ^     Example: select using ref hash for value ref array for order
        print $A->FORM_SELECT
    OUTPUT: <select name="Test2"> <option value="2">BOMB</option> <option value="3">TEST</option> <option value="1">ANT</option> </select> NOTE: New lines added for readability
    ^     Example: select using ref array for value and using sort
        print $A->FORM_SELECT
    OUTPUT: <select name="Test2"> <option>ANT</option> <option>BOMB</option> <option>TEST</option> </select> NOTE: New lines/indentions added for readability
    ^     Example: select using ref hash for value ref arry for order (real world)
        my %hash=(
             Select_One=>'Select One',line=>'-------------',
             Cash=>'Cash',Check=>'Check',Charge=>'Customer Charge',
             MasterCard=>'Master Card',Visa_card=>'Visa',
        my @array=
              Select_One line
              Cash Check line
              Charge line
              MasterCard Visa_card Discover_card
        print $A->FORM_SELECT
      OUTPUT 3:
        <select name="Test2" size="5" multiple>
          <option value="Select_One">Select One</option>
          <option value="line">-------------</option>
          <option value="Cash">Cash</option>
          <option value="Check">Check</option>
          <option value="line">-------------</option>
          <option value="Charge">Customer Charge</option>
          <option value="line">-------------</option>
          <option value="MasterCard">Master Card</option>
          <option value="Visa_card">Visa</option>
          <option value="Discover_card">Discover</option>
        New lines/indentions added for readability

    ^     Input Text

        Create a form text input for an html page
        name ------ name of text form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        size ------ size of display of text form element
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- value of text form element
                    accepts: any value
        maxlength - max number of characters the form input will accept
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
    ^     Example: text
        print $A->FORM_TEXT(name=>'ant',size=>5,value=>'bomb',maxlength=>5);
    OUTPUT: <input type="text" name="ant" value="bomb" size="5" maxlength="5">

    ^     Input Password Text

        Create a form text input (password) for an html page
        name ------ name of passowrd form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        size ------ size of display of passowrd form element
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- value of passowrd form element
                    accepts: any value
        maxlength - max number of characters the form input will accept
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
    ^     Example: password
        print $A->FORM_PASSWORD(name=>'ant',size=>5,value=>'bomb',maxlength=>5);
    OUTPUT: <input type="password" name="ant" value="bomb" size="5" maxlength="5">

    ^     Input Hidden

        Create a form text hidden for an html page
        name ------ name of hidden form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- value of hidden form element
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: hidden
        print $A->FORM_HIDDEN(name=>'ant',value=>'bomb');
    OUTPUT: <input type="hidden" name="ant" value="bomb">

    ^     Text Area

        Create a form text area for an html page
        name ------ name of textarea form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- value of textarea form element
                    accepts: any value
        rows ------ number of rows long
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
        cols ------ number of columns wide
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
    ^     Example: textarea
        $A->p('antbomb','Test textarea...');
        print $A->FORM_TEXTAREA(name=>'antbomb',rows=>5,cols=>40);
    OUTPUT: <textarea name="antbomb" rows="5" cols="40">Test textarea...</textarea>

    ^     Submit Button

        Create a submit button for an html page
        name ------ name of submit form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- value of submit form element
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: submit button
        print $A->FORM_SUBMIT(name=>'ant',value=>'bomb');
    OUTPUT: <input type="submit" name="ant" value="bomb">

    ^     Upload File

        Create a submit button for an html page
        accept ---- allowable file types to be uploaded
                    accepts: any value
        name ------ name of submit form element
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        value ----- value of submit form element
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: upload file simple
        print $A->FORM_UPLOAD(name=>'ant');
    OUTPUT: <input type="upload" name="ant">
    ^     Example: upload file advanced
        print $A->FORM_UPLOAD(name=>'ant',lang=>'en-US',accept=>'gif,jpg');
    OUTPUT: <input type="upload" name="ant" lang="en-US" accept="gif,jpg">

    ^     Formatted Date Drop Down

        Formatted date drop down (select form)
        year ------ number of years to appear on drop down
                    accepts: positive integer
        epoch ----- epoch seconds of when the drop down is to start
                    accepts: any value
                      if epoch is starts with '+', epoch will be added to
                      current epoch seconds
                      if $A->p('date') is set, it is used if epoch is not passed
        mon_name -- form name for month select
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        day_name -- form name for day select
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        year_name - form name for year select
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
    ^     Example: basic formatted date drop down
        print $A->FORM_FDD();
    OUTPUT: <select name="mon"> <option value="1" selected>Jan</option> <option value="2">Feb</option> ... <option value="12">Dec</option> </select> <select name="day"> <option>1</option> ... <option>22</option> <option selected>23</option> <option>24</option> ... <option>31</option> </select> <select name="year"> <option>2001</option> <option>2002</option> <option selected>2003</option> <option>2004</option> <option>2005</option> </select> NOTE: New lines added for readability. Some self evident lines replaced with ... to save on the size of this document.
    ^     Example: advanced formatted date drop down for AD times
        print $A->FORM_FDD
                                    seconds => 0,
                                    minutes => 30,
                                    hours   => 2,
                                    day     => 18,
                                    month   => 3,
                                    year    => 1970
    OUTPUT: <select name="mon"> <option value="1">Jan</option> <option value="2">Feb</option> <option value="3" selected>Mar</option> <option value="4">Apr</option> ... <option value="12">Dec</option> </select> <select name="day"> <option>1</option> ... <option>17</option> <option selected>18</option> <option>19</option> ... <option>31</option> </select> <select name="year"> <option>1968</option> <option>1969</option> <option selected>1970</option> <option>1971</option> <option>1972</option> </select> NOTE: New lines added for readability. Some self evident lines replaced with ... to save on the size of this document.
    ^     Example: advanced formatted date drop down for BC times
        my $epoch=$A->EPOCH_TIME
                        seconds => 0,
                        minutes => 30,
                        hours   => 2,
                        day     => 18,
                        month   => 9,
                        year    => 0
        print $A->FORM_FDD
    OUTPUT: <select name="start_mon"> <option value="1">Jan</option> ... <option value="8">Aug</option> <option value="9" selected>Sep</option> <option value="10">Oct</option> ... <option value="12">Dec</option> </select> <select name="start_day"> <option>1</option> ... <option>17</option> <option selected>18</option> <option>19</option> ... <option>31</option> </select> <select name="start_year"> <option>3 BC</option> <option>2 BC</option> <option selected>1 BC</option> <option>1 AD</option> <option>2 AD</option> </select> NOTE: New lines added for readability. Some self evident lines replaced with ... to save on the size of this document.

    ^     Formatted Time Drop Down

        Formatted time drop down (select form)
        epoch ----- epoch seconds of when the drop down is to start
                    accepts: any value
                      if epoch is starts with '+', epoch will be added to
                      current epoch seconds
                      if $A->p('date') is set, it is used if epoch is not passed
        sec_name -- form name for second select
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        min_name -- form name for minute select
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        hour_name - form name for hour select
                    accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        no_secs --- omit seconds from output
                    accepts: any value  (is either on or off)
        interval -- number of minutes to increment on
                    accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
        start ----- hour to start hours with
                    accepts: 0-23 (anything else is dropped)
        end ------- hour to end hours with
                    accepts: 0-23 (anything else is dropped)
    ^     Example: basic formated time drop down
        my $epoch=$A->EPOCH_TIME
                        seconds => 0,
                        minutes => 30,
                        hours   => 2,
                        day     => 18,
                        month   => 9,
                        year    => 1970
        print $A->FORM_FTD(epoch=>$epoch);
    OUTPUT: <select name="hour"> <option value="0">12 AM</option> ... <option value="13">1 PM</option> <option value="14" selected>2 PM</option> <option value="15">3 PM</option> ... <option value="23">11 PM</option> </select> <select name="min"> <option>0</option> .. <option>31</option> <option selected>32</option> <option>33</option> ... <option>59</option> </select> <select name="sec"> <option value="0">00</option> ... <option value="39">39</option> <option value="40" selected>40</option> <option value="41">41</option> ... <option value="59">59</option> </select> NOTE: New lines added for readability. Some self evident lines replaced with ... to save on the size of this document.
    ^     Example: advanced formatted time drop down
        my $epoch=$A->EPOCH_TIME
                        seconds => 0,
                        minutes => 30,
                        hours   => 2,
                        day     => 18,
                        month   => 9,
                        year    => 1970
        print $A->FORM_FTD
      OUTPUT 2:
        <select name="start_hour">
          <option value="8">8 AM</option>
          <option value="9">9 AM</option>
          <option value="10">10 AM</option>
          <option value="11">11 AM</option>
          <option value="12">12 PM</option>
          <option value="13">1 PM</option>
          <option value="14" selected>2 PM</option>
          <option value="15">3 PM</option>
          <option value="16">4 PM</option>
          <option value="17">5 PM</option>
          <option value="18">6 PM</option>
          <optionvalue="19">7 PM</option>
          <option value="20">8 PM</option>
        <select name="start_minute">

    ^     Formatted Date Time Drop Down

        Formatted date time drop down (select form)
        epoch -------- epoch seconds of when the drop down is to start
                       accepts: any value
                         if epoch is starts with '+', epoch will be added to
                         current epoch seconds
                         if $A->p('date') is set, it is used if epoch is not passed
        year --------- number of years to appear on drop down
                       accepts: positive integer
        mon_name ----- form name for month select (defaults to 'mon')
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        day_name ----- form name for day select (defaults to 'day')
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        year_name ---- form name for year select (defaults to 'year')
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        sec_name ----- form name for second select (defaults to 'sec')
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        min_name ----- form name for minute select (defaults to 'min')
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        hour_name ---- form name for hour select (defaults to 'hour')
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,- (anything else is dropped)
        no_secs ------ omit seconds from output
                       accepts: any value  (is either on or off)
        interval ----- number of minutes to increment on
                       accepts: 0-9 (anything else is dropped)
        start -------- hour to start hours with
                       accepts: 0-23 (anything else is dropped)
        end ---------- hour to end hours with
                       accepts: 0-23 (anything else is dropped)
        date_heading - Text label for date line
                       accepts: any value
        time_heading - Text label for time line
                       accepts: any value
        multi_line --- Create HTML (and text) line break
                       accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        prefix ------- pre-pending name to start all default names with.  if more
                       than one call is made to FORM_FDTD with the same pre_name
                       (or none at all), the subsequent labels will be pre-pended
                       with a numeric label followed by an underscore starting at
                       2 (2_mon, 3_mon, 4_mon  or  2_start_mon, 3_start_mon, etc)
                       accepts: a-z,A-Z,0-9, ,_,-
                         passed prefix parameter:
                           prefix => 'start'
                         resulting parameter names:
                           year -> 'start_year'
                           mon  -> 'start_mon'
                           day  -> 'start_day'
                           hour -> 'start_hour'
                           min  -> 'start_min'
                           sec  -> 'start_sec'
    ^     Example: basic formated date time drop down
        my $epoch=$A->EPOCH_TIME
                        seconds => 0,
                        minutes => 30,
                        hours   => 2,
                        day     => 18,
                        month   => 9,
                        year    => 1970,
                        prefix  => 'start'
        print $A->FORM_FDTD(epoch=>$epoch);
    OUTPUT: <select name="start_mon"> <option value="1">Jan</option> ... <option value="3" selected>Mar</option> ... <option value="12">Dec</option> </select> <select name="start_day"> <option>1</option> ... <option selected>18</option> ... <option>31</option> </select> <select name="start_year"> <option>1968</option> ... <option selected>1970</option> ... <option>1972</option> </select> <select name="start_hour"> <option value="0">12 AM</option> ... <option value="14" selected>2 PM</option> ... <option value="23">11 PM</option> </select> <select name="start_min"> <option>0</option> .. <option selected>32</option> ... <option>59</option> </select> <select name="start_sec"> <option value="0">00</option> ... <option value="40" selected>40</option> ... <option value="59">59</option> </select> NOTE: New lines added for readability. Some self evident lines replaced with ... to save on the size of this document.
    ^     Example: advanced formatted date time drop down
        my $epoch=$A->EPOCH_TIME
                        seconds => 0,
                        minutes => 30,
                        hours   => 2,
                        day     => 18,
                        month   => 9,
                        year    => 1970
        print $A->FORM_FDTD
      OUTPUT 2:
        <select name="start_month">
          <option value="1">Jan</option>
          <option value="3" selected>Mar</option>
          <option value="12">Dec</option>
        <select name="start_day">
          <option selected>18</option>
        <select name="start_year">
          <option selected>1970</option>
        <select name="start_hour">
          <option value="0">12 AM</option>
          <option value="14" selected>2 PM</option>
          <option value="23">11 PM</option>
        <select name="start_minute">
          <option selected>30</option>

    ^     HTTP

    ^     Full list of allowed parameters for each HTTP elements

    Name                  Type        Description 
    Accept                Request     Specifies which Internet media types are
                                      acceptable for the response and to assign
                                      preferences to them. 
    Accept-Charset        Request     Specifies which character encodings
                                      (confusingly called "charsets") are
                                      acceptable for the response and to assign
                                      preferences to them. 
    Accept-Encoding       Request     Specifies which data format tranformations,
                                      confusingly called content (en)codings, such
                                      as compression mechanisms, are acceptable
                                      for the response and to assign preferences
                                      to them. 
    Accept-Language       Request     Specifies which natural languages are
                                      acceptable for the response and to assign
                                      preferences to them. Useful for language
    Accept-Ranges         Response    Indicates the server's acceptance of range
                                      requests for a resource. 
    Age                   Response    Gives the sender's estimate of the amount
                                      of time since the response (or its
                                      revalidation) was generated at the origin
    Allow                 Entity      Lists the set of methods supported by the
                                      resource identified by the Request-URI. The
                                      purpose is to inform the recipient of valid
                                      methods associated with the resource. 
    Authorization         Request     Consists of credentials containing the
                                      authentication information of the client for
                                      the realm of the resource being requested 
    Cache-Control         General     Specifies directives that must be obeyed by
                                      all caching mechanisms along the
                                      request/response chain. 
    Connection            General     Specifies options that are desired for the
                                      particular connection and must not be
                                      communicated by proxies over further
    Content-Encoding      Entity      Used as a modifier to the media-type, to
                                      indicate what additional data format
                                      transformations such as compression have
                                      been applied to the entity-body. 
    Content-Language      Entity      Specifies the natural language(s) of the
                                      intended audience for the enclosed entity. 
    Content-Length        Entity      Indicates the size (in octets) of the
                                      entity-body that is sent or that would have
                                      been sent if it has reen requested. 
    Content-Location      Entity      Supplies the resource location for the
                                      entity enclosed in the message when that
                                      entity is accessible from a location
                                      separate from the requested resource's URI. 
    Content-MD5           Entity      An MD5 digest of the entity-body for the
                                      purpose of providing an end-to-end message
                                      integrity check (MIC) of the entity-body. 
    Content-Range         Entity      Sent with a partial entity-body to specify
                                      where in the full entity-body the partial
                                      body should be applied. 
    Content-Type          Entity      Specifies the Internet media types of the
                                      entity-body that is sent or would have been
                                      sent if requested. Often includes a charset
                                      parameter specifying the character encoding. 
    Date                  General     Date and time at which the message was
    ETag                  Response    Provides the current value of the entity
                                      tag for the requested variant, for caching
    Expect                Request     Indicates that particular server behaviors
                                      are required by the client. 
    Expires               Entity      Gives the date/time after which the response
                                      is considered stale, for caching purposes. 
    From                  Request     The Internet e-mail address for the human
                                      user who controls the requesting browser or
                                      other client. 
    Host                  Request     Specifies the Internet host and port number
                                      of the resource being requested. Obligatory
                                      in all HTTP/1.1 requests. 
    If-Match              Request     Used with a method to make it conditional:
                                      a client that has previously obtained
                                      entities can verify that one of those
                                      entities is current by including a list of
                                      their associated entity tags in the If-Match 
                                      header field. 
    If-Modified-Since     Request     Used with a method to make it conditional:
                                      if the requested variant has not been
                                      modified since the time specified in this
                                      field, the server will not return the
                                      entity but information about this fact. 
    If-None-Match         Request     Used with a method to make it conditional:
                                      a client that has previously obtained
                                      entities can verify that none of those
                                      entities is current by including a list
                                      of their associated entity tags in the
                                      If-None-Match header field. 
    If-Range              Request     Used together with Range to say: "if the
                                      entity is unchanged, send me the part(s)
                                      that I am missing; otherwise, send me the
                                      entire new entity". 
    If-Unmodified-Since   Request     Used with a method to make it conditional:
                                      if the requested variant has been modified
                                      since the time specified in this field, the
                                      server will not perform the requested
                                      operation but information about this fact. 
    Last-Modified         Entity      Indicates the date and time at which the
                                      origin server believes the variant was last
    Location              Response    Redirects the recipient to a location other
                                      than the Request-URI for completion of the
                                      request or identification of a new resource. 
    Max-Forwards          Request     Provides a mechanism with the TRACE and
                                      OPTIONS methods to limit the number of
                                      proxies or gateways that can forward the
                                      request to the next inbound server. 
    Pragma                General     Used to include implementation-specific
                                      directives that might (optionally) apply
                                      to any recipient along the request/response
    Proxy-Authenticate    Response    Included as part of a 407 (Proxy
                                      Authentication Required) response. The field
                                      value consists of a challenge that indicates
                                      the authentication scheme and parameters
                                      applicable to the proxy for this
    Proxy-Authorization   Request     Used by a client to identify itself (or its
                                      user) to a proxy which requires
    Range                 Request     Restricts the request to some part(s),
                                      specified as range(s) of octets, in the
    Referer               Request     Used by a client to specify, for the
                                      server's benefit, the address (URI) of the
                                      resource from which the Request-URI was
    Retry-After           Response    Indicates how long the service is expected
                                      to be unavailable to the requesting client. 
    Server                Response    Contains information about the software
                                      used by the origin server to handle the
    TE                    Request     Indicates what extension transfer-codings
                                      the client is willing to accept in the
                                      response and whether or not it is willing
                                      to accept trailer fields in a chunked
    Trailer               General     Indicates that the given set of header
                                      fields is present in the trailer of a
                                      message encoded with chunked
    Transfer-Encoding     General     Indicates what (if any) type of
                                      transformation has been applied to the
                                      message body in order to safely transfer
                                      it between the sender and the recipient.
                                      This differs from the Content-Encoding in
                                      that the transfer-coding is a property of
                                      the message, not of the entity. 
    Upgrade               General     Used by a client to specify what additional
                                      communication protocols it supports and
                                      would like to use if the server finds it
                                      appropriate to switch protocols. The server
                                      uses the Upgrade header to indicate which
                                      protocol(s) are being switched. 
    User-Agent            Request     Contains information about the user agent
                                      (client) originating the request 
    Vary                  Response    Indicates the set of request-header fields
                                      that fully determines, while the response
                                      is fresh, whether a cache is permitted to
                                      use the response to reply to a subsequent
                                      request without revalidation. 
    Via                   General     Used by gateways and proxies to indicate
                                      the intermediate protocols and recipients
                                      between the user agent and the server on
                                      requests, and between the origin server
                                      and the client on responses. 
    Warning               General     Carries additional information about the
                                      status or transformation of a message
                                      which might not be reflected in the message. 
    WWW-Authenticate      Response    Used in 401 (Unauthorized) response
                                      messages. The field value consists of at
                                      least one challenge that indicates the
                                      authentication scheme(s) and parameters
                                      applicable to the Request-URI. 

    ^     HTTP Header

        Output an HTTP header.
        see 'Full list of allowed parameters for each HTTP elements' for details
    ^     Example: no cache
        print $A->START_HTTP('no-cache'=>1);
    OUTPUT: Cache-Control: no-cache Cache-Control: max-age=0 Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2004 14:22:07 (+06 UT) User-Agent: ANTBOMB V.2.001 Content-Type: text/html NOTE: Content-Type will default to 'text/html' if none is specified
    ^     Example: gif image
        print $A->START_HTTP('Content-type'=>'image/gif');
    OUTPUT: Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2004 14:24:55 (+06 UT) User-Agent: ANTBOMB V.2.001 Content-Type: image/gif

    ^     MISC

    ^     Acceptable Characters

        Returns acceptable characters.  If no 'b' is passed, it is assumed that
        usable characters for HTML forms are to be used.  This will result in the
        return string containing A-Z, a-z, 0-9, , - or _ (yes, these were what was
        acceptable to the writers...).  If 'file' is passed in 'b', it will also
        include the period (.) and NOT accept spaces ( ) for file names.
        data ------ string to be checked
                    accepts: any value
        type ------ type of characters to accept
                    accepts: NULL (''), file
    ^     Example: accept form characters
        $var="%28 my%20files+here.html %29";
        print $A->accept_chars($var);
    OUTPUT: 28 my20filesherehtml29
    ^     Example: accept file characters
        $var="%28 my%20files+here.html %29";
        print $A->accept_chars($var,'file');
      OUTPUT 2:

    ^     Counter

        Open a passed file name, read in number, modify it, and save
        it back to file.  It will create the file if it does not exist.
        file ------ file name
                    accepts: any string that contains A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, or .
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: NULL (''), decrement
    ^     Example: increment counter file
        print $A->COUNTER(file=>'index.count');
    OUTPUT: Number that was in index.count plus 1 or 1 if index.count did not exist
    ^     Example: decrement counter file
       print $A->COUNTER(file=>'index.count',mode=>'decrement');
    OUTPUT: Number that was in index.count minus 1 or -1 if index.count did not exist

    ^     HTML String Cleaner

        As well converting hex to decimal and '+' to ' ', it also pulls out possible
        malicious code by eliminating anything that starts with <!--  -->, even if
        it has new lines in it (but does not span the entire string, see the clean
        sub routine for more)...
        data ------ string to be checked
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: convert web encodings to ASCII
        $var="%28 my%20files+here.html %29";
        print $A->CLEAN_HTML(data=>$var);
    OUTPUT: ( my files here.html )

    ^     IP

        Returns current users IP.  It checks the %ENV hash for:
        ip -------- ip to be set
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: set and print IP
        print $A->IP();
    ^     Example: print IP (will not set since IP already called)
        print  $A->IP();
    OUTPUT: NOTE: If ip has previously been called returns the currently set users IP
    ^     Example: set IP
    OUTPUT: N/A - will set internal IP to

    ^     Random Number Generator

        Generate a random number
        num ------- max of random number generated
                    accepts: any positive integer (defaults to 10)
    ^     Example: print random number 1-10000
        print $A->Rand(num=>10000);
    OUTPUT: 2368
    ^     Example: print random number 1-10
        print $A->Rand();
    OUTPUT: 7 NOTE: Returns a number between 1 and 10

    ^     Random Alpha Numeric String Generator

        Generate a random alpha numeric string from 1 to 25 characters
          1 (one), l (lower case L), 0 (zero), and O (upper case o) are
          omitted to prevent confusion.
        num ------- length of random string generated
                    accepts: any positive integer (defaults to 10)
    ^     Example: print random alpha numeric string 10 characters long
        print $A->RANDA();
    ^     Example: print random alpha numeric string 25 characters long
        print $A->RANDA(num=>25);
    OUTPUT: 2npxyjxIMWMwUWk2XAHZycwe2

    ^     Encode Base 64

        Encode data string into base 64
        data ------ data to convert to base64
                    accepts: any value
        teminator - character that defines end of line
                    accepts: any value (defaults to "\n")
    ^     Example: encode string to base 64
        my $string='Test encode base 64';
        print $A->ENCODE_64(data=>$string);
    OUTPUT: VGVzdCBlbmNvZGUgYmFzZSA2NA== NOTE: The result string has a newline on it

    ^     Decode Base 64

        Decode data string from base 64
        data ------ data to convert from base64
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: decode string from base 64
        my $string='VGVzdCBlbmNvZGUgYmFzZSA2NA==';
        print $A->DECODE_64(data=>$string);
      OUTPUT 1:
        Test encode base 64

    ^     Encode Base 85

        Encode data string into base 85
        data ------ data to convert to base85
                    accepts: any value
        teminator - character that defines end of line
                    accepts: any value (defaults to "\n")
    ^     Example: encode string to base 85
        my $string='Test encode base 85';
        print $A->ENCODE_85(data=>$string);
      OUTPUT 1:
      NOTE: The result string has a newline on it

    ^     Decode Base 85

        Decode data string from base 85
        data ------ data to convert from base85
                    accepts: any value
    ^     Example: decode string from base 85
        my $string='VGVzdCBlbmNvZGUgYmFzZSA2NA==';
        print $A->DECODE_85(data=>$string);
      OUTPUT 1:
        Test encode base 85

    ^     Byte Convert

        Convert bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes
        data ------ number to convert
                    accepts: any integer
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: NULL (''), raw
    ^     Example: convert number to raw bytes
        my $bytes='100058324';
        print $A->BYTE_CONVERT(data=>$bytes,mode=>'raw');
    OUTPUT: 100.06 MB
    ^     Example: convert number to bytes
        my $bytes='100058324';
        print $A->BYTE_CONVERT(data=>$bytes);
    OUTPUT: 95.42 MB


    ^     commify

        Add commas appropriately to numeric values
        num ------- number to commify
                    accepts: 0-9, .
    ^     Example: commify number
        my $var=10000000.0000;
        print $A->COMMIFY(num=>$var);
    OUTPUT: 10,000,000.0000

    ^     format money

        Format numeric values and into US money
        num ------- number to commify
                    accepts: 0-9, .
    ^     Example: format number to money with commas
        my $var=10000000.0000;
        print $A->FORMAT_MONEY(num=>$var);
    OUTPUT: 10,000,000.00

    ^     round money (no commas)

        Format numeric values into US money (and othes) without commas
        num ------- number to round
                    accepts: 0-9, .
    ^     Example: format number to money without commas
        print $A->ROUND_MONEY(num=>$var);
    OUTPUT: 10000000.00

    ^     round number (no commas)

        Round numeric values to given places without commas
        num ------- number to round
                    accepts: 0-9, .
        places----- places behind decimal point round to
                    accepts: 0-9 (defaults to 2)
    ^     Example: round number to 2 places
        print $A->ROUND(num=>$var);
    OUTPUT: 10.41
    ^     Example: round number to 5 places
        print $A->ROUND(num=>$var,places=>5);
    OUTPUT: 10.40913

    ^     PAYPAL

    ^     Send Paypal Request

        Send PayPal a payment request
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: go, set
        type ------ type of action on action
                    accepts: buy_now or ipn (ipn not fully working or doc'd)
        sub_type -- type of action on action on action
                    accepts: prefill or NULL
        use_opts -- force values to conform to PayPal specs (NULLs included)
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        delay ----- do not print to browser, but send result back to be stored
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
        full ------ use all possible params (even if NULL)
                    accepts: any value (is either on or off)
    ^     Example: Forward to pre-filled Buy Now using full options (empty param set)
        NOTE: 'Location' link has had new lines and spaces add for readability...
        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw( $A );
            warnings => "Yes",
            delayout => "Yes"
        use strict;
          mode     => "go",
          type     => "buy_now",
          sub_type => "prefill",
          use_opts => 1,
          full     => 1
    OUTPUT: Location: ?cmd=_ext-enter &redirect_cmd=_xclick &business= &amount= &item_number= &on1= &os1= &cs=0 &no_note=0 &cancel_return= &rm=0 &custom= &invoice= &shipping2= &currency_code=USD &undefined_quantity=0 &item_name= &on0= &os0= &cn= &image_url= &no_shipping=0 &return= &page_style= &handling= &shipping= &tax= &first_name= &last_name= &address1= &address2= &city= &state= &zip= &night_phone_a=000 &night_phone_b=000 &night_phone_c=0000 &day_phone_a=000 &day_phone_b=000 &day_phone_c=0000 <!-- ANTBOMB WARNINGS --> <!-- cs () required to be 0 or 1...setting to default (0). from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 150. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- no_note () required to be 0 or 1...setting to default (0). from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 150. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- rm () required to be 0,1,2...setting to default (0). from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 163. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- currency_code () required to be USD,EUR,GBP,CAD,JPY...setting to default (USD). from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 163. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- undefined_quantity () required to be 0 or 1...setting to default (0). from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 150. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- no_shipping () required to be 0 or 1...setting to default (0). from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 150. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- night_phone_a contain non-digits...truncating non-digitis. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 170. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- night_phone_a still contains non-digits or bad count...setting 0's. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 173. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- night_phone_b contain non-digits...truncating non-digitis. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 170. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- night_phone_b still contains non-digits or bad count...setting 0's. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 173. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- night_phone_c contain non-digits...truncating non-digitis. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 170. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- night_phone_c still contains non-digits or bad count...setting 0's. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 173. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- day_phone_a contain non-digits...truncating non-digitis. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 170. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- day_phone_a still contains non-digits or bad count...setting 0's. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 173. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- day_phone_b contain non-digits...truncating non-digitis. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 170. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- day_phone_b still contains non-digits or bad count...setting 0's. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 173. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- day_phone_c contain non-digits...truncating non-digitis. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 170. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning --> <!-- day_phone_c still contains non-digits or bad count...setting 0's. from paypal_test.cgi line 10. main::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL from line 463. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::MOD from line 376. ANTBOMB2::ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::paypal from line 20. ANTBOMB2::PAYPAL::GO::action from line 110. GO::GO::check_params from line 173. GO::ANTBOMB2::warning -->
    ^     Example: Forward to pre-filled Buy Now (empty param set)
        NOTE: 'Location' link has had new lines and spaces add for readability...
        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw( $A );
            warnings => "Yes",
            delayout => "Yes"
        use strict;
          mode     => "go",
          type     => "buy_now",
          sub_type => "prefill",
          full     => 1
    OUTPUT: Location: ?cmd=_ext-enter &redirect_cmd=_xclick &business= &amount= &item_number= &on1= &os1= &cs= &no_note= &cancel_return= &rm= &custom= &invoice= &shipping2= &currency_code= &undefined_quantity= &item_name= &on0= &os0= &cn= &image_url= &no_shipping= &return= &page_style= &handling= &shipping= &tax= &first_name= &last_name= &address1= &address2= &city= &state= &zip= &night_phone_a= &night_phone_b= &night_phone_c= &day_phone_a= &day_phone_b= &day_phone_c= <!-- ANTBOMB WARNINGS -->
    ^     Example: Forward to pre-filled Buy Now (empty param set)
        NOTE: 'Location' link has had new lines and spaces add for readability...
        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw( $A );
            warnings => "Yes",
            delayout => "Yes"
        use strict;
          mode => "go",
          type => "buy_now",
          full => 1
    OUTPUT: Location: ?cmd=_xclick &business= &amount= &item_number= &on1= &os1= &cs= &no_note= &cancel_return= &rm= &custom= &invoice= &shipping2= &currency_code= &undefined_quantity= &item_name= &on0= &os0= &cn= &image_url= &no_shipping= &return= &page_style= &handling= &shipping= &tax= <!-- ANTBOMB WARNINGS -->
    ^     Example: Forward to pre-filled Buy Now (empty param set)
        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw( $A );
            warnings => "Yes",
            delayout => "Yes"
        use strict;
          mode => "go",
          type => "buy_now"
    OUTPUT: Location: <!-- ANTBOMB WARNINGS -->
    ^     Example: Forward to pre-filled Buy Now
        NOTE: 'Location' link has had new lines and spaces add for readability...
        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw( $A );
            warnings => "Yes",
            delayout => "Yes"
        use strict;
          mode               => 'go',
          type               => 'buy_now',
          business           => '',
          return             => '',
          undefined_quantity => 1,
          item_name          => 'Baseball Hat',
          item_number        => 123,
          amount             => 5.95,
          no_shipping        => 1,
          image_url          => '',
          cancel_return      => '',
          no_note            => 0,
          on0                => 'Color?',
          os0                => 'Red',
          cn                 => 'How Did You Hear About Us?',
          notify_url         => ''
    OUTPUT: Location: ?cmd=_xclick & &amount=5.95 &item_number=123 &cancel_return= &undefined_quantity=1 &item_name=Baseball Hat &on0=Color? &os0=Red &cn=How Did You Hear About Us? &image_url= &no_shipping=1 &return= &notify_url= <!-- ANTBOMB WARNINGS -->

    ^     RAW DATA

    ^     HTTP response codes

        Returns 2 referenced hashes to http_response_codes and
        http_response_details (ie: 500=>'Internal Server Error' and
        500=>'The server encountered an unexpected condition which
        prevented it from fulfilling the request.' respectively)
    ^     Example: store response codes in array as ref hashes
        my @codes=($A->HTTP_RESPONSE());
    OUTPUT: N/A - Returns 2 referenced hashes and stores them in the array codes
    ^     Example: print response code 202
        my @codes=($A->HTTP_RESPONSE());
        print $codes[0]->{'202'},$/,$codes[1]->{'202'};
    OUTPUT: Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing actually takes place. There is no facility for re-sending a status code from an asynchronous operation such as this. The 202 response is intentionally non-committal. Its purpose is to allow a server to accept a request for some other process (perhaps a batch-oriented process that is only run once per day) without requiring that the user agent's connection to the server persist until the process is completed. The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of the request's current status and either a pointer to a status monitor or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be fulfilled. NOTE: New lines added for readability

    ^     US and Canada State/Territories

        Returns a referenced hash to state abbreviation hash or full name
        state hash. (hash 1 CA=>California, hash 2 California=>CA).
        mode ------ determine order of returned referenced hash
                    accepts: NULL (''), r
    ^     Example: store all states (full names) in the array @states
        my @states=values %{$A->STATES()};
    OUTPUT: N/A - Sores all states (full names) in the array @states
    ^     Example: store state, print value for CA
        my $states=$A->STATES();
        print $states->{'CA'};
    OUTPUT: California
    ^     Example: store reversed, print value for California
        my $states=$A->STATES(mode=>'r');
        print $states->{'California'}

    ^     World Wide Country List

        Returns a referenced hash to country numeric value hash or full name
        country hash. (hash 1 177=>United States of America, hash 2
        United States of America=>177).
        mode ------ determine order of returned referenced hash
                    accepts: NULL (''), r
    ^     Example: store countries full names in array
        my @countries=values %{$A->COUNTRIES()};
    OUTPUT: N/A - store countries full names in array @countries
    ^     Example: store country, print value for 177
        my $countries=$A->COUNTRIES();
        print $countries->{177};
    OUTPUT: United States of America
    ^     Example: store reversed country, print value United States of America
        my $countries=$A->COUNTRIES(mode=>'r');
        print $countries->{'United States of America'};
    OUTPUT: 177

    ^     SENDMAIL

        Send Mail interface (requires existing SMTP server)
          All Params Required to send mail, but not to pull a previously
          sent mail.  By calling sm without ANY parameters, it will return
          the last email sent out (will error out if no emails have already
          been sent).  If called with 'full' as the only parameter, it will
          return the full dialog between the smtp server and the script of
          the last email sent as well as the parameter list that was used
          to send the mail (again, will error out if no emails have been sent.)
        host ------ name of smtp server to mail from
                    accepts: any value
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: NULL (''), raw
        To -------- Recipient (email)
        ToName ---- Recipient (Real Name)
        From ------ Sender (email)
        FromName -- Sender (Real Name)
        Reply-To -- Reply to address (if different than 'From')
        Cc -------- Carbon Copy recipients (NOT working yet)
        Bcc ------- Blind Carbon Copy recipients (NOT working yet)
        Subject --- Subject line
        Notify ---- Notification the mail has been viewd
        body ------ message of the email
        mode ------ type of action to perform
        --- HTML EMAIL ---
          Content-Type -------- content type (ex: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1")
          Content-Disposition - content disposition (ex: inline)
          MIME-Version -------- mime version (ex: 1.0)
        --- AUTH LOGIN (ESMPT) ---
          USER ---------------- username
          PASS ---------------- password
             'Subject'=>'How do I send mail?');
      $body="Hello,\n  I was wondering how I send out email?\nTIA,\nShawn";

    ^     Example: basic mail message

    OUTPUT: N/A - Sends email with the head parameters and body supplied.

    ^     Example: print previously sent mail message

        print $A->SENDMAIL();
        NOTE: Previous email must have already been sent for this function.
    OUTPUT: To: From: Subject: How do I send mail? Hello, I was wondering how I send out email? TIA, Shawn

    ^     Example: print full headers of previously sent mail message

        print $A->SENDMAIL(mode=>'full');
    OUTPUT: Parameters -------------------------------------- Server: Port: 25 LocalHost: nam AF_INET: 2 SOCK_STREAM: 1 SMTPAddr: À) z -------------------------------------- 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.8.5 ready at Sat, 23 Mar 2002 00:25:59 -0700 (MST) HELO nam 250 Hello [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX], pleased to meet you mail from: <>; 250 <>... Sender ok rcpt to: <>; 250 <>;... Recipient ok data 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself To: From: Subject: How do I send mail? I was wondering how I send out email? TIA, Shawn . 250 XXXXXXXX Message accepted for delivery 221 closing connection

    ^     Example: WORKING send mail & print previously sent message with headers

        BEGIN {
          use ANTBOMB2;
          use vars qw($A);
        use strict;
        my $m='';
        my %h=(To=>'',
               Subject=>'How do I send mail?');
        my $b="Hello,\n  I was wondering how I send out email?\nTIA,\nShawn";
        print $A->SENDMAIL();
    OUTPUT: From: <> To: <> X-Mailer: ANTBOMB V2.001 Subject: How do I send mail? Hello, I was wondering how I send out email? TIA, Shawn .

    ^     TEMPLATES

        The templates were implemented to clean up perl code (remove HTML and
        SQL code from the perl code as much as possible).  Templates also
        give programmers the ability to hand a designer (either HTML or
        database) something to work with, and keep them out of your hair.


        Manipulate HTML templates
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: NULL (''), set_dir, load, read, modify
                    NOTE: if mode is not specified and match is, modify is
                          will be used
        dir ------- path to location of session files
                    accepts: NULL (''), raw
        file ------ file name to manipulate
                    accepts: any value
        text ------ string to manipulate
                    accepts: any value
        match ----- string to replace in template
                    accepts: any value (can contain regex)
        replace --- string to replace a with in template
                    accepts: any value (can contain regex)
        modifiers - regex modifier(s)
                    accepts: g, s, m, e, o, i (or any combination)
        my $template=
               This is just a test.
    ^     Example: set HTML template directory
    OUTPUT: N/A - sets template file directory
    ^     Example: print current HTML template directory
        print $A->HTML_TEMP(mode=>'set_dir');
    OUTPUT: ./templates/
    ^     Example: load HTML template from file and store it in current object
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores antbomb.tmp in template object
    ^     Example: load HTML template from text and store it in current object
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores $template in template object
    ^     Example: read HTML template from file
        my $temp=$A->HTML_TEMP(mode=>'read',file=>$template);
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores antbomb.tmp in $temp
    ^     Example: read HTML template from text
        my $temp=$A->HTML_TEMP(mode=>'read',text=>$template);
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores $template in $temp
    ^     Example: modify and print HTML template in current object
        print $A->HTML_TEMP(mode=>'modify',match=>'test',replace=>'Test',modifiers=>'ig');
    OUTPUT: <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> This is just a Test. </body> </html>

    ^     QUERY TEMPLATES (for use with SQL)

        Manipulate HTML templates
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: NULL (''), set_dir, load, read, modify
                    NOTE: if mode is not specified and match is, modify is
                          will be used
        dir ------- path to location of session files
                    accepts: NULL (''), raw
        file ------ file name to manilpulate
                    accepts: any value
        text ------ string to manipulate
                    accepts: any value
        match ----- string to replace in template
                    accepts: any value (can contain regex)
        replace --- string to replace a with in template
                    accepts: any value (can contain regex)
        modifiers - regex modifier(s)
                    accepts: g, s, m, e, o, i (or any combination)
        my $template=
            id=<!-- ID -->';
    ^     Example: set query template directory
    OUTPUT: N/A - sets template file directory
    ^     Example: print current query template directory
        print $A->QUERY_TEMP(mode=>'set_dir');
    OUTPUT: ./templates/
    ^     Example: load query template from file and store it in current object
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores antbomb.tmp in template object
    ^     Example: load query template from text and store it in current object
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores $template in template object
    ^     Example: read query template from file and store it in current object
        my $temp=$A->QUERY_TEMP(mode=>'read',file=>'antbomb.tmp');
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores antbomb.tmp in $temp
    ^     Example: read query template from text and store it in current object
        my $temp=$A->QUERY_TEMP(mode=>'read',text=>$template);
    OUTPUT: N/A - stores $template in $temp
    ^     Example: modify and print query template in current object
        print $A->QUERY_TEMP(mode=>'modify',match=>'<!-- ID -->',replace=>'1',modifiers=>'ig');

    ^     TIME & DATES

      One unique feature of the ANTBOMB time calculations is that you are not
      limited to the standard system epoch seconds.  It can calculate properly
      any date all the way back to 4713 BC and into the future up to 9999 AD.
      An interesting note on time:
        Julian Days start at noon, so move it backward 12 hours...
        A Julian date is simply the number of days elapsed since the start of the
        year -4712. Since optical astronomers of yore worked mostly by night, and
        observed mostly from Europe, the Julian Day was defined to begin at noon,
        12:00 Universal Time. This avoided the inconvenience of having an observing
        session begin one day and end the next, as would occur were regular civil
        dates used.
                               courtesy of John Walker

    ^     Calendar

        Formated simple calendar, calendar date layout, or max day of month
        mode ------ type of action to perform
                    accepts: text_year, text, html_year, html, nozero, max
        cols ------ number of months to display on a row
                    accepts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 (defaults to 3)
        month ----- month of calendar to display
                    accepts: 1-12 (defaults to current month)
        year ------ year of calendar to display
                    accepts: any integer (defaults to current year)
                            (0 and below will be in BC starting at 1)
    ^     Example:print HTML calendar for March of 2002
        print $A->CALENDAR(month=>3,year=>2002,mode=>'html');
    OUTPUT: <table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2> <tr> <td colspan="7" align="center"><b>March 2002 AD</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>S</b></td> <td><b>M</b></td> <td><b>T</b></td> <td><b>W</b></td> <td><b>T</b></td> <td><b>F</b></td> <td><b>S</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>1</b></td> <td align="center"><b>2</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><b>3</b></td> <td align="center"><b>4</b></td> <td align="center"><b>5</b></td> <td align="center"><b>6</b></td> <td align="center"><b>7</b></td> <td align="center"><b>8</b></td> <td align="center"><b>9</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><b>10</b></td> <td align="center"><b>11</b></td> <td align="center"><b>12</b></td> <td align="center"><b>13</b></td> <td align="center"><b>14</b></td> <td align="center"><b>15</b></td> <td align="center"><b>16</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><b>17</b></td> <td align="center"><b>18</b></td> <td align="center"><b>19</b></td> <td align="center"><b>20</b></td> <td align="center"><b>21</b></td> <td align="center"><b>22</b></td> <td align="center"><b>23</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><b>24</b></td> <td align="center"><b>25</b></td> <td align="center"><b>26</b></td> <td align="center"><b>27</b></td> <td align="center"><b>28</b></td> <td align="center"><b>29</b></td> <td align="center"><b>30</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><b>31</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align="center"><b>&nbsp;</b></td> </tr> </table>
    ^     Example: print text calendar for March of 2002
        print $A->CALENDAR(month=>'3',year=>'2002',mode=>'text');
    OUTPUT: March 2002 AD Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    ^     Example: print text calendar for 1752
       print $A->CALENDAR(year=>'1752',mode=>'text_year');
    OUTPUT: January 1752 AD February 1752 AD March 1752 AD Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 April 1752 AD May 1752 AD June 1752 AD Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 July 1752 AD August 1752 AD September 1752 AD Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 October 1752 AD November 1752 AD December 1752 AD Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOTE: YES, this is correct for September 1752...
    ^     Example: print text calendar for August 2003
        my $html=qq~<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>\n~;
        $html.=qq~<td colspan="7" align="center"><b>~;
        $html.=qq~ ~;
        my $weekday;
        for($A->CALENDAR()) {
          $_="&nbsp;" if(!$_);
          $html.=qq~<td align="center"><b>~;
          $html.=qq~<a href ="somelink">~ if($_ eq $some_match);
          $html.=qq~</a>~ if($_ eq $some_match);
          if($weekday%7==0) { $html.=qq~</tr>\n<tr>\n~; }
        print $html;
    OUTPUT: <table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0> <td colspan="7" align="center"><b>August 2003</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>S</b></td> <td><b>M</b></td> <td><b>T</b></td> <td><b>W</b></td> <td><b>T</b></td> <td><b>F</b></td> <td><b>S</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>1</b></td> <td align='center'><b>2</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'><b>3</b></td> <td align='center'><b>4</b></td> <td align='center'><b>5</b></td> <td align='center'><b>6</b></td> <td align='center'><b>7</b></td> <td align='center'><b>8</b></td> <td align='center'><b>9</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'><b>10</b></td> <td align='center'><b>11</b></td> <td align='center'><b>12</b></td> <td align='center'><b>13</b></td> <td align='center'><b>14</b></td> <td align='center'><b>15</b></td> <td align='center'><b>16</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'><b>17</b></td> <td align='center'><b>18</b></td> <td align='center'><b>19</b></td> <td align='center'><b>20</b></td> <td align='center'><b>21</b></td> <td align='center'><b>22</b></td> <td align='center'><b>23</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'><b>24</b></td> <td align='center'><b>25</b></td> <td align='center'><b>26</b></td> <td align='center'><b>27</b></td> <td align='center'><b>28</b></td> <td align='center'><b>29</b></td> <td align='center'><b>30</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center'><b>31</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> <td align='center'><b>&nbsp;</b></td> </tr> <tr> </table> NOTE: Done on 8-23-2003.
    ^     Example: print max days for February 2004
        print $A->CALENDAR(mode=>'max',month=>2,year=>04);
    OUTPUT: 29
    ^     Example: print max days for February 2005
        print $A->CALENDAR(mode=>'max',month=>2,year=>2005);
    OUTPUT: 28

    ^     Epoch Time

        Convert given date (or today) into epoch seconds format
        seconds --- 
                    accepts: 0-59 (defaults to current second)
        minutes --- 
                    accepts: 0-59 (defaults to current minute)
        hours ----- 
                    accepts: 0-23 (defaults to current hour)
        day ------- 
                    accepts: 1-31 (defaults to current day)
        month ----- 
                    accepts: 1-12 (defaults to current month)
        year ------ 
                    accepts: any integer (defaults to current year)
                            (0 and below will be in BC starting at 1)
    ^     Example: print current epoch seconds
        print $A->EPOCH_TIME();
      OUTPUT 1:
    ^     Example: print epoch seconds for Mar 18, 1970 at 2:30 AM
        print $A->EPOCH_TIME
                    seconds => 0,
                    minutes => 30,
                    hours   => 2,
                    day     => 18,
                    month   => 3,
                    year    => 1970
    OUTPUT: 6597000
    ^     Example: print epoch seconds for Mar 18, 70 BC at 2:30 AM
        print $A->EPOCH_TIME
                    seconds => 0,
                    minutes => 30,
                    hours   => 2,
                    day     => 18,
                    month   => 3,
                    year    => -69
    OUTPUT: -64338256801

    ^     Time

        Convert given epoch seconds (or todays epoch seconds) into various formats
        mode ------ tyoe of action to perform 
            MODE           DESCRIPTION         FORMAT
            NULL ('') ---- unix format ------- DDD MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY
            epoch -------- epoch seconds ----- DDDDDDDD
            day ---------- day of week ------- DDD
            date --------- day or month ------ DD
            fmon --------- full month -------- MMMMMMM
            smon --------- abbreviated month - MMM
            nmon --------- numeric month ----- DD
            year --------- full year --------- YYYY
            yearbc ------- full year + ------- YYYY BC/AD
            syear -------- short year -------- YY
            mtime -------- military time ----- HH:MM:SS
            hour --------- hour in military -- HH
            aphour ------- hour in civilian -- HH
            min ---------- minute ------------ MM
            sec ---------- second ------------ SS
            ampm --------- am or pm ---------- AM/PM
            time --------- civilian time ----- HH:MM:SS AM/PM
            timens ------- time no seconds --- HH:MM AM/PM
            ndate -------- numeric date ------ MM/DD/YYYY
            fdate -------- full date --------- MMMMMMM DD, YYYY
            sdate -------- short date -------- MMM DD, YYYY
            sdate_timens - sdate + timens ---- MMM DD, YYYY HH:MM AM/PM
            raw ---------- unix format ------- DDD MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY
            http --------- w3c format -------- DDD, DD MMM YYYY HH:MM:SS (+/- HH UT)
        epoch ----- epoch seconds to gather results from
                    accepts: any integer (defaults to current epoch seconds)
        seperator - set seperator on ndate to something other than /
    ^     Example: print with no arguments
        print $A->TIMES();
        Thu Jan  3 21:18:16 2002
    ^     Example: print mtime
        print $A->TIMES(mode=>'mtime');
    ^     Example: print time
        print $A->TIMES(mode=>'time');
        9:21:24 PM
    ^     Example: print timens
        print $A->TIMES((mode=>'timens');
        9:21 PM
    ^     Example: print fdate
        print $A->TIMES(mode=>'fdate');
        January  3, 2002
    ^     Example: print sdate_timens
        print $A->TIMES(mode=>'sdate_timens');
        Jan  3, 2002 9:21 PM
    ^     Example: print http with epoch Mar 18, 1970 AD
        print $A->TIMES(mode=>'http',epoch=>6597000);
        Thu, 18 Mar 1970 AD 02:30:00 (+06 UT)
    ^     Example: print http with epoch Mar 18, 70 BC
        print $A->TIMES
        Wed, 18 Mar 70 BC 00:00:00 (+06 UT)

    ^     Second Converter

        Format seconds to weeks, days, hours, mins, secs
        second ---- number of seconds to convert
                    accepts: positive integer
        mode ------ display format
                    accepts: NULL (''), formatted
    ^     Example: print formatted seconds
        print $A->SECONDS( seconds=>'1209700', mode=>'formatted' );
      OUTPUT 1:
        2 Weeks, 0 Days, 0 Hours, 1 Mins, 40 Secs
    ^     Example: store array of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
        my @format=$A->SECONDS( seconds=>'1209700' );
      OUTPUT 2:
        N/A - stores array [in this example: (2,0,0,1,40)]

    ^     AUTHOR

    Shawn McKinley  <>

    ^     CREDITS

    Most of these are fairly boring (not that this one is not), but given Perl is
    Perl, and Larry said, 'Of course, in Perl culture, almost nothing is prohibited.
    My feeling is that the rest of the world already has plenty of perfectly good
    prohibitions, so why invent more?'
    I feel I am granted a bit of license on how I want to do my credits.  There
    is no one person or thing that I can contribute to the creation of this module.
    So, here goes...

    ^     The center of the Apocalypse

    This module has been built by standing on the shoulders of mental giants who
    have a vision that I am only seeing the corona of:
    Larry Wall ( -
      For creating such a great language and deciding to give it to the world
    Randal L. Schwartz ( -
      For teaching me Perl through 'Learning Perl', 'Learning Perl Objects,
      References, & Modules', and various articles on the web
    Lincoln D. Stein ( -
      This script would not have had a starting point without the immortal
    Tom Christiansen (  and
    Nathan Torkington ( -
      For the Perl Cookbook, I wouldn't have any hair without this book
    Jeffrey E. F. Friedl ( -
      For Mastering Regular Expressions, I've learned much from this book that
      I see as indispensable while writing perl code!
    Tim O'Reilly ( -
      For the open source support and the wonderful books produced

    ^     The knowledge base

    I would never have learned Perl as quickly without the never ending stream of
    information given by the Perl community.  For the most part, they are tireless
    givers who expect nothing in return.  There are many, MANY more, but these are
    the ones who consistently answered my questions and idly sat by and watched as
    I made one stupid comment after another...
    Bill '$Bill' Luebkert, Drieux (just Drieux), Tommy Butler, and Jeff 'Japhy'
    Pinyan, Jendra Krynicky -
     For answering questions day and night on mailing lists
     (a lurker can learn a lot on these lists ;)
    Jann Linder - -
      For a great email list devoted to asking and answering questions about CGI
    ActiveState ( -
      For porting Perl over to a platform that I can 'fully' understand
    I would also like to thank some of those who have lended knowledge in some
    of the modules:
        Claus Tøndering -
        Many thanks for posting such a large amount of knowledge about the
        history of time!
        John Walker - &
     Thanks for keeping such tidy records of the HTML specification.

    ^     The close community

    A while back, as I was still running from, my business partner found
    a new Perl Mongers group not too far away from us.  We decided to join, well,
    since like everything else Perl, it was free, why not?  We went to the
    first meeting, and WOW, do these people know their stuff!  It was here that
    I had my first glimpse of the power of modules and OO programming.  To their
    credit, they listened to me whine about how 'I could do that without OO, so
    why bother' without throwing anything at me.  I thank all of you at that
    meeting (and those who could not make it too) for sharing your ideas with
    the rest of us!
    Jasmine Merced-Ownbey -
      For starting this group, and for playing the "Devil's Advocate"
    Dana & Michelle Diederich -
      Yes, I now understand why 'horns' work, thank you :-)
    Page Underwood -
      For the lengthy emails that made such good reading and discussion
    Mike Marois -
      Well, for just not bringing up a shotgun and shooting me for being too busy

    ^     The driving force

    To a person I owe a lot, that I could never repay.  He was the guy who said,
    'Hey, there is this little language called Perl that I think we should take
    a look at...'  I still wonder if it is him on the other end of the phone
    when it rings at 2 in the morning, and if I am going to get an earful of
    'Where do you geeks come up with this $*@!, how am I supposed to debug this
    crap?!!?!  Learn to write longer variable names!!!!'  Please, keep your
    cement truck at home...
    Bill Stephenson -
      For pushing me to learn new ideas and constantly questioning my current ones

    ^     The center of my universe

    Oh, and, lets not forget my wife and children, who consider themselves a
    computer widow and computer orphans.  They have given up movies, parties,
    family gatherings, and basic companionship in my never-ending pursuit of
    programming.  Thank you for understanding, and not leaving me standing...
    Tami Mckinley
    Nathan McKinley
    Seth McKinley

    ^     The Power of it all

    I thank God for all the resources He has given the world. I thank Christ for the thousands of second chances He has given me, and the abilty to grow from these mistakes.